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"Name please?"

"No, I need to book a flight."

The agent stopped typing, flashing her eyes up to me, giving me an immediate look of disgust.

"To San Diego. I need to be on next flight out."

She was just staring, giving me a nasty fucking look. Stop looking and book the fucking ticket.

"Sir, we don't serve inebriated passengers."

"I'm not drunk." I was far beyond that. I tossed her my wallet. "ID and card are inside, just book me the fucking flight."

"Sir, I'm going to need you to step aside, security will escort you out."

She thought I was just gonna step away, guess what bitch- I have nowhere left to fucking go. "Do you know who I am? The media shit storm I'll create if you don't just book me a damn flight.... fuck, please."

She eyed my hands again, then ran her eyes up to my face before hitting the keyboard.

"The next flight isn't until 6:30 in the morning, there are only two first class seats left and they will call security if you cause any problems."

"I only need one ticket." I always only needed one.

"No bags?"

I shook my head no and she handed me back my wallet and the ticket, sneering at me.

"Just so you know Mr., Mr. Romano, I red flagged you... so please allow for extra time going through security."

I walked away, hearing her snicker 'asshole' behind me. Fair enough.

I made my way to the first class lounge, waving my hand for an attendant before dropping to a couch.

"I've got a 6:30am flight- make sure my ass is on it. I'll tip well." I sank my head back, slowly falling, spinning until I was gone.

"Hey man!" I felt a shake, then another. "Your flight's boarding."

"Fuck.. thanks." I tugged some cash out and tossed it to him then made my way onto the plane, taking a seat and having no fucking recollection of how I made it here.

"Good morning sir...."

I threw my hand over my face then felt my head slamming against the window, falling into the darkness once more.

I felt a jerk, my whole body flung forward and I grabbed the seat in front of me, trying to focus my eyes. Where the fuck was I.

"Welcome to sunny, well foggy San Diego."

I flung my head up to the loud speaker, feeling like I had been run over, then I slid the window shade up, looking out at the sea. San Diego was just as fucking dark and bleak as New York.

"28 Playa Pointe." I sank into the cab, staring out at the fog. One minute I was destroying my apartment and the next I'd be knocking on Sadie's door.

We pulled up to the gatehouse and I rolled down the window, "Luca Romano, 28 Playa Pointe, permanent guest list."

My own permanent guest list only had one name, and she would probably never step foot in my apartment again.

The driver continued down, pulling up to Gav and Sadie's perfect house, looking like the cover of every fucking magazine at the market.

I never wanted any of this shit, this wasn't me, white picket fences weren't for Luca Romano- but why did it hurt so bad, why... why did I now wish I had it.. with her.

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