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I was empty, broken, angry with fists of steel, watching myself from the outside as I lined up another round of shots.

"You look familiar."

I didn't need to look to know it was some chick, probably decent enough if she thought she had a chance with me.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Me? I gestured to the shots already sitting in front of me.

"May I?" I saw the blur of her arm reaching for one of the glasses. "You know... I'm not usually this forward, but you're really hot."

I grabbed a glass, tipping the shot into my mouth just as her hand slid to my leg.

"I.." she started and I finally twisted my face over, seeing a blur of hair and red lips.

Let me fucking guess... you never do this...

"I never do this sort of thing," she laughed, phony as fuck.

"Hmhm." I tried to focus in on her then quit, opting for the last shot instead. If the booze couldn't kill the pain then maybe a good fuck would.

"Want to follow me to the back?" Her hand slid up my leg, rubbing over my pants, digging against my cock. I was hoping he'd be fucking numb but he stiffened right up.

I was already standing, following her down the hall and through a door, watching her drop to her knees, fingers already sliding up my dick, tongue lapping over my tip.

"Oh, wow..." I felt her weight against me as she pulled herself up. "Actually, I wouldn't mind taking that for a ride."

She hiked up her dress, hopping onto the counter, knees up, pussy wide open and I stepped forward, bracing her thighs, slamming right into her.

I felt her arms around me, gripping my back, her seasoned pussy riding my cock as I rammed into her, over and over again, trying to fuck it all away.

"Don't stop... I'm on the pill."

Fuck. The voice, the scent, the skin all wrong, all hitting me at once and I flashed my eyes behind her to the mirror, seeing the sliver of my face hiding behind the random I was fucking.

"Fuck!" I pulled out, coming against her thigh, barely fucking making the pull out and I threw my hand back to the counter, ripping away a paper towel and wiping my shit off her, trashing all the fucking evidence.

She jumped against me, getting right up in my face, trying to fucking kiss me, but I whipped my head away. Fucking was one thing, kissing was another.

"Buy me a drink..." her fingers ran up my cheek, forcing me to look her way and I reached into my pocket then pushed some cash into the fingers against me.

She dropped her hand from my face, wrapping it around the bills instead as she laughed. "Do I look like a whore?"

"Could have fooled me."

I zipped my pants, strung my belt then bolted the fuck out of there. Pussy always made everything better, but now I felt sick.

I threw more cash to the bartender before making my way out the doors... into more fucking blackness.

"What the fuck!" It was dark and I had no idea what time it was or how long I'd been at that fucking bar.

"Taxi!" I shot my hand up, then saw the trees in front of me, everything looked so fucking familiar and I turned back, realizing I was already home.

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