Chapter 1

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It's 5:00 pm on a Friday night and Harry's standing at the same place he has been every Friday at 5:00 pm for the last three years. On the doormat that says " Always. Forever. Family" that lays in front of the Tomlinsons front door. After standing in this spot so many times Harry always found comfort in those three words because he knew that he always had a family on the other side of the door.

Before he heard the sound of the front door unlocking Harry could hear the twins running around upstairs laughing, a voice yelling at them to go away. Louis, he thought. He was never really good with kids but also what did Harry know about having younger siblings, after all, he was the baby of his family.

Soon enough the door opened showing phoebe dressed up as a princess and Daisy as the prince. As soon as one foot enter the house both girls jumped into Harry's arms "HARRY" they yelled, they truly loved him, so much so they said they would both marry him. They said it was only right to share him since they share everything else. "MY GIRLS" Harry replied back holding both girls as they hang from his neck in a sweet hug.

Little did Harry know Jay always watched these interactions, Harry with the twins, it was the relationship she dreamed of Louis and them having, but unfortunately have never had. It was okay though as she loved Harry as her own son anyway, he might as well be her best friend too, even if that sounds lame Harry thought the same.

"It's always so good to see you Harry" Jay entered the front room where the three children stood and attempted to hug what was left of the boy since the girls still clung to him. " Now you girls know the rules no yelling, no fighting, no sugar after 8:00, and please don't kill Harry" the girls laughed knowing that they always had pillow fights and sang at the top of their lungs during karaoke every Friday night with Harry, not to mention if Harry was in a good mood he would bake some delicious treats for the girls, even if it was after 8:00 pm!

"Okay so I'll be gone until tomorrow morning but Louis is upstairs he's going over to Ronni's soon but he should be back by midnight, as soon as he's back you're free to leave!" Now with full attention on Harry. She eyed up the stairs and let out a soft sigh " and if he's not home by then you have every right to call him until he's back home or call me and I'll handle it" the energy in the room went cold with both of them knowing Louis was most likely not going to come home on time. That was alright with Harry though because this house was just as much his home as the small house he really does live at.

The three wave goodbye to jay as she walked into the car and headed off to her destination, as soon as the car was out of sight the door slammed shut and the girls shouted "dance party" and ran straight into the massive living room. Harry chuckled and followed the girls, he knew he was in for a busy night.

Harry connected his phone to the Bluetooth speakers that were placed all over the downstairs, all 5,000 square feet of it. Oh yeah did we forget to mention Louis lives in a mansion? Harry choose a clean throwback station to play and soon enough Phoebe, Daisy, and Harry were all dancing around the room, jumping from couch to couch, sliding across the floor, and singing at the top of their lungs.

The golden Hugh bursting through the windows began to show the time was getting later. Harry knew the girls hadn't eaten yet and being hungry himself he declared it dinner time.

"So my ladies enchanted what do you think about a decedent pizza for dinner?" He did a curtsy and bowed in front of the girls who giggled in response.

"Why that sounds lovely Prince Harry."

"Pizza should be our kingdom's official food!"

With a dimpled smile, Harry pulled out his phone and ordered a large cheese pizza. Harry had miraculously gotten the girls to change out of their princess dresses and into some pajamas, besides what princess wants to get pizza sauce all over their beautiful gown? Ceritnaly, not Pheobe and Daisy!

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