Chapter 29

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Christmas break was unfortunately over and Harry found himself just wanting to hit snooze on his alarm clock but instead, he climbed out of bed and turned off his alarm.  Quickly Harry grabbed his blanket off of his bed and wrapped it around his shivering body, god Harry hated winter mornings more than anything else in the world.

Harry sent a text to both Cassie and Niall to make sure they were up and told them what time he would be over to pick them up for school. Once everything was properly organized Harry went to his closet and picked out his outfit. A pair of acid wash jeans, a rolling stones t-shirt, a red flannel, and a pair of socks were not neatly folded and placed on the bathroom counter as the shower heated up behind him.

Harry let the blazing water erase all the tension his muscles had been holding onto allowing him to relax and melt back into his normal self. When Harry's second alarm went off and hurried to turn off the water and dry himself off with a towel before changing into his school clothes.

Once he was dressed Harry lightly towel-dried his hair enough so it was no longer dripping water. Not entirely caring about what his hair did he just left it and decided to let it choose its own path. Call it senioritis or good time management. It worked with Harry's routine.

Now downstairs in the kitchen, Harry grabbed a bowl from the cupboard while also pulling out a bag of granola and a container of yogurt from the fridge. Harry dumped the contents into his bowl and grabbed a spoon quickly eating this breakfast. When he was finished he rinsed his bowl and put in the dishwasher before grabbing his backpack and heading out to his car.

Harry was happy to see that he still had his new jacket laying in his passenger seat. Harry turned on his car and waited for it to heat up before he sent a text to Cassie and Niall that he was on his way.


Louis didn't get much sleep during the night having way too much pent up anxiety about the new semester.  When his clock glowed a bright red, 4:00, Louis completely gave up and got out of bed, grabbing his blanket and heading over to his window.

In the silence of the early morning, the unlocking of Louis's window sounded like the click of a shotgun shooting through the air. A cold blast winter frost instantly blew in Louis's face causing him to bring his blanket up to his face in an extreme rush.

It didn't take long for Louis to adjust to the new, colder, darker weather and soon Louis grabbed his laptop and climbed out of his window crawling until he was sitting comfortably on his roof sitting in a little corner protecting him from any large gust of winds and from falling off.

Louis let the light of his computer shine brightly like it was a star he had plucked from the sky. His fingers sat patiently on the keys not knowing what to do. It wasn't until Louis saw the folder labeled, Harry :), and opened it. Louis scrolled through all the photos until he landed on his favorite photo, the one of the fronts of the two semi-busy storefronts in downtown. There was just something about the photo that eased Louis. Maybe it was the colors, or the angle, or the aesthetic of the photo but all Louis knew was that it was some form of magic.

By five a.m Louis started to lose feeling in his fingers and toes and decided it was best to not turn into an ice sculpture when he had school. In three hours he gathered his things and started to slowly crawl back towards his bedroom window. As soon as he was back inside sheltered from the harsh elements he breathed a little harder. The last thing Louis wanted to do right now was anything, he would do anything for winter break to last just a little bit longer.

After contemplating whether to just skip school or fake sick to get out of going to school Louis just sat down and sighed realizing he would only be mad at himself if he skipped. Nothing worth doing was easy and just kept replaying the words in his head.

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