Chapter 11

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Harry decided on just spending the night at the Tomlinson's even though the blizzard warning ended at midnight and the roads opened back up since his car was under about a foot of snow. Harry allowed himself to sleep late into the morning as he knew he had an extremely busy afternoon. Starting at 3:00 pm Harry was booked back to back for four hours taking Everyone's Winter Wonderland dance photos, he was kinda hoping since the blizzard happened last night that some people would cancel and just stay safe at home but that did not happen.

At eleven Harry rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make some tea before heading back to his house to prepared for the day. With s cup of warm tea in his hands, he resumed his normal seat at the bay window. Far out in the backyard, he saw two shadows running around, after a minute of concentration he realized it was just Daisy and Pheobe playing in the snow, he smiled knowing that he would get to hear all about their adventures later on.

With one cup of tea down Harry poured himself another, this time being in a travel mug, and headed towards the door. Harry needed to get home in time to e4nsure he could go over all of the details of the afternoon, booking times, locations, and any needed props that he would have to bring along with him. Walking out to the car Harry sighed, his car was covered in snow and ice. There was no way he was going to be able to break his car free of the frozen icicles covering the windows and doors. He really should have just parked in the garage.

Harry walked back inside to grab an ice scraper and some hot water to free his car. Standing on the stairs was Louis all tousled with bed head eyes still hanging droopily from his slumber.

"Already back styles?"

"Is that a problem? I just came back to get some warm water and ice scrapper. My car is currently an ice block."

"I did give you a garage opener right?"

"Yeah, you did. Don't worry you're not losing your mind."

"So why didn't you park in there?"

"Well I'm not sure if you remember but I was only supposed to be here for ten minutes but then a blizzard decided to come and my plans kinda changed."

"Oh right, that whole thing."

Harry laughed and went into the kitchen and put some water on the stove to heat before heading to the garage and looking through the copious amounts of drawers that were installed on the back wall. It wasn't until his elbow made contact with a pair of ribs that he realized Louis had followed him in.

'Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't know you where here."

"Don't worry t's my fault, But hey the ice scraper is in the winter things, not the potting soil."

"I guess that would make sense. Thanks."

Harry walked to the other end of the echoing garage while Louis stayed in his place with a half-smile and his hand placed on his ribs. Louis was surprised by the amount of force Harry had hit him with when it was just simply his arm moving back normally, it's not like he purposefully tried to shove his elbow between his tiny ribs. He figured it was probably thanks to Harry's much larger stature, a good five inches taller than himself and well he did notice the sharp definition of muscles that now lined most of his body.

It was only a small ache but the small circles he was rubbing into the bone felt oddly soothing, almost as if someone else was taking care of him. Soon enough Harry found the ice scrapper and headed back inside, he held the door calling to Louis to come back into the house.

This time Harry followed Louis to the kitchen until his long steps surpassed the much smaller ones Louis was taking now once again allowing Louis to follow Harry. Harry turned his attention to the pot on the stove which just began to simmer, he turned off the stove and put on some oven it's and laid out cork pot mats on the kitchen island.

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