Chapter 2

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Harry got both girls to sleep with very little fuss. He roamed the empty halls that held magnificent echos with each footstep. If it was any other residence beside the Tomlison's Harry would feel extremely guilty about snooping around but he knew his limits on where exactly he could go.

The artwork that hung delicately on the cream-colored walls never seemed to bore Harry, he was one of those kids that could look at victorian paintings all day and genuinely love it. His brain could bring the paintings to life in his head. Each brush strokes faded into a picture of reality giving him the image that the original artist saw before their own eyes. Harry loved to recreate the paints, in a photo form of course. If Harry ever attempted to paint you would never be able to tell, his talent was solely behind the camera lens.

Jay had already let Harry recreate the pictures that used to be the twin's room. It was his birthday present for the girls last year. He got them dresses almost identical to the ones the real princesses were wearing in their portraits, he also was able to build a throne out of some scrap wood. He woke the girls early and brought over his best friend Cassie to do their hair and makeup, then he drove them to the edge of the forest which he had already placed the throne and added decorations such as artificial flowers and butterfly to add to the already beautiful scenery.

He will never forget the way the girl's face's lite up when they finally pulled up to the location. They spent nearly the entire day taking photos before going home for their birthday dinner. It may have been the twin's special day but being apart of it made Harry feel special as well. A week later he surprised the girls and Jay by hanging up the photos in place of the paintings while they were away shopping, ever since then Harry knew that he was meant to have a camera in his hand for the rest of his life.

He continued to walk the halls passing every single room, one after another. Every time without fail he stopped at the same door, Louis's. He always left his door unlocked and opened when he wasn't home, nobody ever really knew why but Harry was thankful for the decision. He never actually walked into the room, instead always just leaning against the door frame and looking inwards.

There wasn't much he could see as the room was so big most things faded into a blur they were so far away from the entrance but the one thing that always caught Harry's attention was the trophy's and plaques.

Neatly organized on an entire wall of shelves was every trophy, medal, plaque, and certificate Louis had ever received, all placed in chronological order. You could see the slow progression from the school awards and ribbons change into youth football trophies and finally into national level trophies and medals. hat section still held some academic awards but nothing like what Louis used to accomplish in school, but can you really blame him? The kids seemed to juggle just about everything under the sun and still be an okay human being. The keyword being okay.

Harry sighs at the memories that flooded his brain. The two had been extremely close throughout primary and secondary school but it all changed when Louis was offered a spot on the varsity football team in first year. At first, the two still hung out but after nearly two months Louis had changed into the popular boy every girl had a crush on and Harry was well... he was Harry. Dorky, talented, caring, lovely Harry and the two just didn't seem to fit into the same story. At least at school anyways.

They still talked like normal when Harry came over to babysit, at that point the twins were only three and Jay had to drive Louis to the moon and back for practices and club meetings and tutoring sessions that she asked Harry if he would be interested in watching them since he's known them since they were born and already had knowledge of the house rules and layout. It was just easier than hiring an actual babysitter, plus Jay knew the boy's relationship had begun to falter but she had always like Harry and didn't want to seem him disappear from the family completely.

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