Chapter 4

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The week had been dragging on as if it was never going to end. It was only Wednesday yet Harry felt like he had lived through nearly a months worth of studies and weeks worth of editing on his photos. He desperately needed a night off but he still needed to somehow complete his homework for the night.

When he got home from school he threw his bag onto the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. The house was sitting in its normal silence, Harry thought he would enjoy the quietness after having to deal with the craziness of school but instead, he realized he needed to be around people. It just had to be people he liked. Immdedentaly he called Cassie to ask if she wanted to come over to study. She agreed but only with the terms that she could bring Niall with her so the two could officially meet.

Harry sat down on the couch and pulled out his laptop, he had about thirty minutes before Niall and Cassie were set to show up so he decided to finish sorting through the photos of his last job. It didn't take that long to finish his task and soon sent out an email to the client with the photo files of the twin boys. Just as he sent the email he heard the ring of his doorbell.

He got up and went to open the door, standing in from of him was his best friend who was wrapped around a blonde boy. He had bright blue eyes, full cheeks, and a thin nose. Overall he looked like a perfectly nice guy. Cassie dropped her arms from Niall and went in to hug Harry while whispering in his ear.

"I swear if you scare him away I will forever only call you by a nickname."

All Harry did was roll his eyes, what could he possibly do to scare away this kid. Besides if he could scare him away how could be deal with Cassie? Harry stepped back into the house and invited Niall inside.

"You must be the Niall that Cassie keeps chattering my ear off about."

"I hope it has been good things."

Niall let out a roaring laugh along with Harry while Cassie sat on the edge of the couch covering her face with her hands as she blushed, embarrassed by Harry outing her to Niall.

"It's nice to finally meet you, come on inside"

"Same to you, thanks."

The two boys went inside and joined Cassie on the couch, Niall sitting closer to her while Harry went to the other end of the couch where his computer was still laying. As he sat down he pulled his bookbag up onto his lap and started pulling out his textbooks.

"So what have you been doing for the last half hour? Just sitting and contemplating life?" The amount of sass that laced her voice made it clear she was trying to get back at Harry for ratting her out just moments before. Easily, he responded with just as much sass.

"Well if you must know i was finishing up the photos for the twins I took photos of on Saturday and finally got them sent out."

"Oh really, finally now you've got one less thing to worry about now."

"Geez thanks, Cassie for all of the support there."

"You know what I mean."

"So you take photos?"

Harry was honestly shocked that Niall sounded genuinely intrigued and interested in what was going on in his life. Maybe this guy is better than he originally thought.

"Yeah, whenever I can I use it as a way to make money. I usually do things like school dances and photos with little kids."

"That's so cool. You must be really good for people to pay you for it."

"I suppose, I mean I hope they like the photos."

"Oh my god quite underestimating yourself."

Cassie had basically shouted at Harry before turning to talk to Niall.

"He doesn't want to accept the fact he's basically a photography prodigy. His photos are always spectacular and he somehow can always make the kids act like little angels. Last year he even had me turn two little girls into princesses just so he could recreate the photos in their bedroom. I had to spend the entire day in the forest watching a real-life fairytale. "

"Wow, that's impressive. Not to mention how in the world did you get Cassie to deal with anything princess related."

" I still don't know how I did it but she still uses it as leverage on me."

Shortly after all three began to work on their homework. Everyone was working on the semesters end science project, it was easily the hardest project they would have this year. It was also the last large project all three would have during highschool seeing at it was their senior year and the next semester of courses would be filled with electives such as music, drama, and art classes. This was the only fact that kept them going.

The time flew by and soon all three students were starting to get hungry so they decided to order some pizza. Originally Harry was just going to order only one pizza for all of them however, while on the phone Cassie urged him to order two. Harry had no idea how three people could two large pizzas but he took Cassies advise anyway and ordered two.

Within only fifteen minutes a knock on the door echoed through the house, Harry got up and went to the door to grab the pizza. Niall came up behind him and paid for half the pizza before each boy took a box and headed back into the kitchen.

Soon it was clear to Harry why he was urged to order an extra pizza, before he could even get the plates out of the cupboard Niall had already east a slice and a half of pizza. Cassie wasn't lying on Saturday when she said that Niall could eat.

"Hey, man would you like a plate or just keep the box?" Harry couldn't help but laugh through his words.

"Ahh, I think I'll stick with the box, its fewer dishes for you."

"Thanks for looking out for me mate."

"Sure thing."

Shortly after finishing their food Niall and Cassie decided it was getting late and started to pack up their belongings to head home. Harry walked them out to the door. He gave Cassie a hug and Niall the class bro handshake. He stayed put in the doorway as he watched the two walk to Niall's car. He smiled when he was Niallopen the ca door for Cassie before walking to the driver's side to get in himself. He had to admit he quite liked the guy, he seemed to be a total gentleman just like how Cassie described him.

He went back inside and cleaned up the downstairs before heading upstairs to his bedroom. He stripped out of his normal clothes and slipped into a pair of sweats and a jacket along with a pair of socks, he never loved the reality of winter thanks to its harsh winter, he really only loved it fo the aesthetic.

He cuddled up in his bed pulling his comforter high and tight against his body trying to keep warmth within his body. He turned over to reach his lamp and cut the lights out. Out of the corner of his eye sat a picture that he had never taken down. The first photo of him and Louis when they were still little boys, just four years old. He sighed remembering that the boy in that photo was no longer the boy he saw walking the halls, nor was he the boy walking the halls the real Louis that he loved.

Before he could let his mind go too far down the dark path of reminiscing he turned off his lamp and shut his eye finally allowing for his body to rest.


I know this chapter is probably super boring ( and short) for y'all but it's important for the next few chapters so I guess we just suffered through this one together lol.

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