Chapter 12

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To say that Harry was beginning to feel overwhelmed was an understatement. He hasn't sat down for more than five minutes in almost three hours. He knew that today was going to be the busiest day he has worked ever but he seriously underestimated.

Harry had booked photo shots twenty minutes apart and only allowed them in three locations which where all within five minutes of each other in downtown London so he could have a breaker between clients and clear his mind so he could focus. Unfortunately, as soon as he would arrive at another appointment every person that was there immediately began wanting to take photos even though the session hadn't started yet. Not wanting to cause excess drama and stress everyone else's around him out, especially the girls he just went along with it.

It was now 5:58 and Harry was sitting in his car before walking over to the fountain at Buckingham Palace to meet Louis, Ronnie, and their families. Harry knew he only had to make it through this one last photo shoot before he could go home and it should be the easiest, unlike the other photos he already knew exactly how to pose Louis and Ronnie, he knew which angles would look good with their features since he already knew them very well.

While pulling into the parking spot Harry already saw Ronnie standing with a lady who he assumed was her mother and a man that looked like her father, although he saw no signs of Louis anywhere. Harry hates to think it but he was kinda relieved because that meant that he could sit in his car for another minute before getting out.

Harry shot a quick text to Louis and Jay in a group chat asking them to call him when they got here and not to immediately walk up and stay in their car and wait for him. Once the text was sent Harry got out of the car and walked up to Ronnie and her family. He introduced himself to the parents and took in the extravagance of Ronnies dress, it was absolutely stunning, one of the most beautiful dresses Harry has ever seen. But he wouldn't have expected anything less from Veronica Cade.

The dress was certainly champagne pink, Louis certainly hadn't lie about that but the way it complimented her skin tone was perfection. The dress was all the same color but starting from the waist and working upward a floral pattern was embroidered delicately and rose up the two thin straps that hung off the edge of her shoulders. Simple pearls were seen on in all the right places, the pearls on her dress matched the jewelry she wore. A necklace sat just under her collar bone while earrings dangled from her ears and rings sparkled on her fingers.

The neckline of the dress fell into a deep v-shape, a piece of skin-colored mesh had been sewed along the lower portion to keep it in the dress code. The skirt of the dress was the same color as the top but the material was similar to silk, glitter sprinkled throughout the fabric allowed a small shiny aura to surround Ronnie. Her shoes were small silver stilettos, a simple strappy design covered her feet ln fairy like fashion.

"You my dear are going to make my job so much easier. You look absolutely stunning, you truly look like a queen."

"Why thank you, I'm glad my work paid off."

Ronnie spoke in a surprisingly happy tone, there was no sign of her regular temper in her voice. If she always acted like this then maybe she wouldn't be so bad, Harry didn't know why she was nice. He thought maybe it was because her parents where here or maybe it was because she was being treated like royalty and not a normal human being. But whatever it was Harry was thankful. If he had to treat her like this for the next thirty minutes he would happily hold back his sarcasm if it kept her this happy.

Harry could tell by the way Ronnie was looking at her phone every few seconds that she was starting to get upset about Louis's late arrival, he took this time to interject himself and explain the first photos so it would by Louis some time and hopefully keep Ronnie happy.

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