Chapter 21

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Louis's eyes flickered open in a rush of fear, panic, and confusion. Ronnie had begun to kiss his neck and his cheek messily as the intoxicating alcohol was coursing through her veins. With his head tilted to the side he caught a glimpse of the curly hair he knew all too well.

Harry was sitting at a table with his phone in his hand, all alone. The sight pained Louis, out of all the people at this party Harry was the last person who deserved to be sitting alone as the clock struck midnight. Louis hadn't realized he had been staring until Ronnie's lips had stopped moving and her own eyes began to pierce through Louis's now hot and flustered skin.

"Louis what's wrong babyyyyyyy"

Her words were so slurred Louis almost didn't know what Ronnie was saying. While Louis shifted his head back towards his girlfriend his eyes stayed locked on best friend. Ex-best friend? Friend? Oh god, Louis didn't even know what they were anymore.

"Louisssss who are you looking at?"


"AH, are they prettier than me?"

Just then Harry got up out of his chair and started walking towards the crowded dance floor, and sure enough, Louis's eyes followed him until he could no longer track the curly head. Little did Louis know that Ronnie was trying to follow his own eyes to see who he was staring at. Much to Louis's relief, she was so drunk and her vision was so blurry she couldn't tell anybody apart.

Something was pulling deep into Louis's gut, he needed to get out of here. Louis needed to think he needed to figure out whatever is going on with him. As if God had heard Louis's silent prayers his phone started bringing.

"Sorry, I have to take this."

Louis stood up leaving Ronnie looking like a lost puppy sitting on the couch. Louis went behind a pillar and accepted the call. Holding the phone to his ear Louis expected to hear a voice, he didn't expect to hear anybody he knew as the number was unknown and every person he has ever known was either at this party with him or safe at home. But no voice came through.

Confused Louis kept moving the phone away from his ear so he could see the caller ID. After nearly a minute of silence Louis decided it was probably a misdial and he hung up the phone, however, Louis made no moves to go back to his group of friends.

Instead, Louis just stood there listening to all of the slurred words and blaring music mixing with the sounds of bottles and cups being tossed on the floor. It was a sad realization for Louis, he didn't want to be here, not at all. The worst part is he didn't know how everything had gotten so out of hand. Louis knew he couldn't stay much longer at the party if he did he might lose it on someone and he knew that that was not going to be good.

Being a clever little lad he was Louis knew that he could easily get out of this situation with only a little white lie.

Quickly Louis walked back over to the couch where Ronnie was softly tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, can I need to speak to you."

"what's up?"

Ronnie wobbly stood up leaning heavily on Louis for support. Louis tried his best to not get annoyed at Ronnies current state and just complete his plan but damn was that hard. Louis hated it with a burning passion when people of drunk off the feet because he knew they made stupid decisions, deadly decisions.

"Look so that was my mom calling, apparently the twins are very sick and she doesn't know what to do and she needs my help so I need to go home. I know I drove here so I can give you a ride home right now if you want because you are certainly not driving or I can give you money for a cab.

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