Chapter 39

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At 6:30 am Harry's phone blared  it's alarm waking him up instantly, he quickly jumped up and saw a text message from Niall.

"Hey Cass and I are on our way, we'll be there soon make sure to let us in alright!"

"Of course, i'll be waiting!"

Harry sent off the text and grabbed the box of lights and bag of photos and ran downstairs. Setting his things down on the counter Harry quickly filled the tea kettle with water and put it on the stove. As soon as that was done the security system alerted letting everyone know somebody was at the front gate, quickly Harry unlocked it allowing his friends inside and ran to open the garage door.

Niall and Cassie walked inside three minutes later each with a cup of coffee in their hands along with some banana bread.

"One of you watches the kettle for me and the other helps me take these out to my car."

Harry had already picked up the bag of photos from the counter and was basically running to his car.

"Well good morning to you to Harry."

"Give him a break he's about to get the love of his life."

The couple smiled and followed their friends directions, Niall picking up the remaining box and Cassie heading over to the stove. A to-go mug and bag of tea was already sitting out on the counter so when the kettle began to whistle no time was wasted in preparing the tea.

Harry texted Jay saying Niall and Cassie were over and also sent Cassie's number in case she needed anything and the next thing everyone knew Harry picked up his mug and ran back towards the garage.

"Wait Harry! We got you banana bread!"

"Oh my god you are life savers!"

"Go kill em Harry!"

Harry smiled and then the shutting of the garage door was the last thing audible.

"Wait, was he still wearing his clothes from yesterday?"

"Oh no, he was. Wait no don't text him he'll freak out we'll just have to leave early. I'm sure he has clothes here that we could bring him."

"Your right. Okay so we'll have to leave in forty-five minutes then, we better get the girls up."

"Let's go then."

The couple tried to stay quiet as they ran through the house and up the stairs. They entered the twin's room quietly and each was tasked with awakening one of the girls.

"We have to get up and ready for Harry's photo show."

"There's not much time left, we need to hurry!"

"We'll grab donuts if we have time."

Sure enough that sentence had both girls up in mere seconds and Niall and Cassie both laughed.

"Alright. Ni can I trust you with picking out some outfits?"

"Of course you can, I am the epitome of style."

"Just make sure they match please!"

"I got it, i got it!"

"You two come with me, you need to brush your teeth and hair."

The twins followed Cassie into the gigantic bathroom and stepped onto their little step stools so they could reach the sink and began brushing their teeth. Cassie set the two minute timer then began looking for a hairbrush, some elastics, and ribbon. With the brush found she began brushing Phoebe's hair while she was still brushing her teeth. Once she finished she sent her to get her outfit from Niall while she began brushing Daisy's hair.

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