Chapter 33

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It didn't take Harry long to notice that he didn't have nearly enough room to look at all of his photographs and plan his project within his own house. Harry knew what he needed to do, it was a simple answer really but was the last thing he really wanted to do, but without another choice, he pulled out his phone and texted Jay.

Hi, jay I was wondering if I could use one of your extra rooms for a photography project. I just need a larger space to lay out all of my photos.

Of course Harry! You know the code so come over whenever you need to!

Thank you so much!!

Harry was relieved to have a place designated to fully dive into his project without any limitations. The only thing that scared him was how close to Louis he would be, Harry knew he would now be spending the majority of his free time over at the Tomlinson's and he would have to stay focused and Louis did a great job at distracting Harry from just about everything.

Harry's phone dinged alerting him of a photoshoot he had to attend in an hour so he quickly showered, got dressed, packed his gear, and headed out the door driving to the location he had saved in his phone.

Three photography sessions later Harry finally returned home tired and hungry. Harry appreciated the time it gave him for himself to focus on something he loved doing and not to mention the money he had earned, especially after his larger than life purchase the previous day but that also didn't mean he was happier than ever to be home and be able to stuff his face with whatever food he could find.


Harry's normal school schedule fell right back into place easily as the week started up once again. Every day he woke up, got ready, then pick up Cassie and Niall, and finally attended the ruling seven hours of instruction.

The one thing that was still new to Harry's daily schedule was the constant lookout for Louis. Every time he found himself in the hall he looked for the Carmel hair and crystal blue eyes but he could never seem to spot him. The same thing happened during lunch, he always examined the table of footballers but never saw Louis with them.

Harry tried to not let the thoughts and worry of Louis consume his brain and sometimes were easier than others but the less he saw of him the more he began to worry.

By the time Friday rolled around Harry was exhausted, this final semester was not turning out to be as easy as he had thought it would be. Before driving over to the Tomlinson's to do his annual babysitting of Pheobe and Daisy he had to go back to his house and pick up his bags of photos and his camera gear. It didn't add much time to his computer only making him fifteen minutes later than normal.

As soon as Harry walked into the house the girls were ready to great him as always. Every time he comes over its always a little shocking to realize just how much he feels at ease in the house, how any member of the family can just make his troubles go away.

Like normal, the girls began talking about their week while they followed Harry up the stairs and into a virtually empty room.

"Harry, what are we doing up here?"

"I'm going to use this room for a school project and these are the supplies i need for it."

"Are you going to be over more now?"

"I will"


"But I will have to work so it won't be all fun and games but I'm sure I could work in some breaks."

The girls were dancing around in circles of excitement while Harry quickly threw his bags of photos over in the far corner of the room before he got a text from Jay.

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