Chapter 30

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The first week of school passed by with a breeze, everyone was getting in the hang of their schedules and classes were still easy with not much of a workload. As Niall started talking about some plans he had with his family, Harry's attention was pulled towards the flock of girls entering the cafeteria, it didn't take long into the week for Harry to notice something was off because everywhere he looked he saw Ronnie but never once did he see Louis. Now thinking about it the only time Harry had seen Louis in the past five days was when he left school on Monday.

"Earth to Harry!"

"Hm-What? Sorry, Ni."

"If I didn't know any better I would have thought you were checking them out!"

Harry's cheeks reddened as both Niall and Cassie erupted with laughter.

"No but seriously what were you doing? Did you hear anything I was saying?"

"I was just thinking and you said something about your family. Right?"

"Wow, such a good multitasker there Haz!"

"Cassie you better watch it if you don't want pudding in your hair!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Want to find out?"

"Not really."

"Good because I don't feel like running right now."

Now it was Harry's turn to join in on the laughter. The group got a couple of judgemental and questionable glances from the other tables around them but they didn't care and just kept on laughing. It wasn't until Ronnie and her entourage walked by that Harry was pulled back into the reality of high school and once again Harry's eyes followed her every movement.

Niall and Cassie quickly caught what Harry was looking at and instantly turned to each other with a knowing look.

"Louis." They both said in unison, now that got Harry's attention.


The couple high-fived and smiled knowing what they had just done. If Harry thought they would forget about his boyfriend just because school started back up he had another thing coming.

(AN Harry thinking as Louis being his boyfriend, solely a what he wishes Louis would/could be!)

"Hey! you can't just do that!"

"Actually I think we can!"

"I hate you both."

"We love you to Harry. So what were you really thinking about?"

"Ugh, how do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make me mad then instantly get me to spill all my thoughts!"


"At this point, I'll go with that."


"So? Fine. Everywhere I look I see Ronnie but she's always with one of her friends and never Louis and I just realized that I haven't seen him since Monday and I haven't talked to him since, since..."

"Since what?!"

"Nothing, it's not important. But really have you guys seen Louis anywhere?"

"I see him after lunch almost every day heading to culinary arts. He comes in from the parking lot."

Harry moved his eyes in between Niall and Cassie and focused his gaze on the rows of cars neatly lined up side by side on the other side of the window. One by one Harry looked at every car trying to find Louis's black Tesla, in all reality it should be a pretty easy to spot, not many teenagers have the luxury to drive such an expensive car.

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