Chapter 37

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Sitting in his large, black leather office chair in front of his desk Louis pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen before he pulled on a little metal linked chain turning on the small lamp sitting at the edge of the dark stained mahogany wood. A single click rang through the air and suddenly words began to stain the page one after the other.

It didn't take long, only around ten minutes, and suddenly all of Louis' favorite memories of Harry were listed. Some included him but many were just of Harry, little things that he had observed or things he remembered Harry talking about.

Louis put his pen back inside his desk drawer and picked up the piece of paper and walked back out into the hallway and stopped once he reached the door separating him from Harry. Trying to stay quiet the doorknob slowly turned until it began to creak open.  Due to the loud and streaky noises Louis only opened the door far enough from him to squeeze through the opening to enter the other side.

Due to the lack of light in the room Louis was sneakily tip-toeing around the room to not step on any photos laying across the floor or Harry sleeping beside them. After almost a minute he found the familiar stack of papers Harry had written earlier and placed his own underneath them before exiting once again.


Waking up the next morning Harry was surprised and delighted to find himself once again wrapped up in warm blankets and that it no longer looked as if a hurricane had swept through the room.  Sitting up Harry looked up to the wall beside him and back towards the photographs in stacks of the floor, even though he really didn't want Harry to he decide to use his extra day to continue working.

In the kitchen the kettle was already on the stove and Jay was standing in front of the island and was preparing cinnamon rolls.

"Good morning Harry."

"Good morning Jay."

Harry gave the women a soft hug and a smile as he walked over towards the cupboard containing the mugs and pulled one down while also grabbing a tea bag. With the kettle already whistling loudly Harry quickly made his cup of tea before turning off the heat.

"What time will you be off this morning, should i save you a cinnamon roll?"

"No Groundz meeting for me today, Ni and Cass are having a date day. Normally its friday but i kinda stole that last night. i was just gonna work on my project today, hopefully get close to finishing it-if that's okay with you."

"Of course darling you could stay here every single day if you wanted! So i'm going to say it's a yes for a cinnamon roll?"

"Oh it's definitely a yes!"

"Okay, I'll bring it up to you when it's ready dear."

"Thank you."

Harry grabbed his mug of tea and started walking back upstairs while Jay finished cooking breakfast. No one else in the house was up yet so instead of walking straight back into his work room Harry instead decided to walk down the hallway and appreciate the pieces of art hanging on the wall.

Due to the frequency of time spent within the same walls it didn't take long until the wall ended and Harry found himself standing in between his door and Louis' bedroom door. As he walked past he couldn't help but notice something sitting on one of the shelves on Louis's wall. Curiosity got the best of Harry and he stepped one foot inside and walked towards the shelves.

Most of the items where the same as the last time Harry had seen the shelves a little over two months prior, however a few new items laid still. A picture frame containing a early photo of him and Louis when they were seven and playing out in the old treehouse, it was that day that Harry knew he wanted to be a photographer and he never even knew that photo existed. Not wanting to just steal the photo off of the shelf he made a mental note to ask Louis if he could borrow it later.

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