Chapter 3

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Harry's alarm was blaring, the sound of cowbells flooding his eardrums. He slapped the top of his clock allowing silence to return into the room. Every bone in his body was begging to stay in bed and just fall back asleep, he hadn't gotten home until a little past two am and it was now just before seven. The four and half hours of sleep did little to rest his body.

Eventually, he groaned and pushed his covers off of him and headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he saw the dark bags that circled underneath his eyes he cursed himself for being out so late, he should have just let Louis deal with the monster hangover by himself, surely that would teach him a lesson. But no, he cared too much about him to willingly let him suffer like that.

Thankfully Harry's shoot today was just photographing two little newborn babies so he didn't have to dress to professional since he was more than likely to be picked on in the next four hours. He threw on some light washed jeans, and a white t-shirt, and a blue flannel. He completed the outfits with some black hightop converse.

He walked into his kitchen and grabbed a banana for breakfast since there wasn't enough time for a proper meal. Sitting in his car he thanked himself for already having all of his equipment packed leftover from the previous night. He typed in the address he was given into his GPS and was on his way.

The house was about twenty-five minutes away from his own, leaving him just enough time to call Cassie for their annual Friday night recap. He dialed her number through his car and the ring played through the speakers. Cassie never answered until the last ring so Harry just waited patiently until her voice appeared.

"Hazzy Harry! What's up."

" What did i tell you about calling me that! Nobody gets to call me Hazzie!"

"Fine Hazza."

"Not that either!"

"Okay, whatever you say Haz."

"NO! none of that either, just Harry!"

Laughter filled the car, this was their unofficial way of greeting each other. Harry has always nicknames, the only thing he allowed was Styles because after all, it was his name, it just happened to be his last one.

"SSo what events fille your mysterious Friday night that somehow hasn't ended up all over your social media by now."


"what! You know its true!"

"Well at least you have to ask me, I already know what you did."

"Hey, it's only true."

"Well played Cas, well played. But really what did you do?"

"Not much, we went to the movies with that Niall guy. It was pretty good, he was super sweet."

"Aww, did you see the sparks flying!"

"Life isn't a romcom Harry!"

"I'm just saying. But did you?"

"Maybe there was the start of some..."


"Shut up!"

"Oh come on though, the two of you are so cute together!"

"We can talk about this later, wanna meet up at Groundz?"

"Sure but it will have to be later I have a shoot until noon this morning."

"Okay see you soon Styles."

"Bye Cas."

Bye, the time the call ended harry was driving through a neighborhood and began looking for the house number. 4575. 4575. 4575, finally Harry spotted the house. It was average size, perfect for a little family. The panels of the exterior were painted a deep shade of navy blue accented with a white framework and a bright yellow door.

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