Chapter 9

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Louis watched as his sisters walked away, leaving him alone with Ronnie. Just a week ago Louis would have brushed off the words Ronnie just spit out at his sisters but now after spending just a few hours with them he was livid.

"That was pretty rude Ronns, they are just little girls."

"Just because they're little doesn't mean I need to take insults from them!"

"Ronnie there four!"

"Maybe now they'll know how to talk to someone with higher authority."

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Would you stop making this such a big deal, it's not like to told them to go sweep the floors or something, they probably won't remember a word I said to them anyway."

Louis closed his eyes and drew in a sharp breath to help contain his anger, his finger tapped rapidly on the table only adding to the visible amount of anger that was crossing throughout his veins.

"What is up to you lately you're just off and it's not making us look good."

"And that's what your care about right now, us looking good, not me or what I'm feeling?"


"No just forget about it."

Louis picked up his drink and just turned his head the other way. Ronnie didn't put up a fight and did just as Louis said and forgetting about the situation as she went back to scrolling through her Instagram.

The couple sat in their places for an hour, not saying a single word to each other. Louis had only started to grow angrier as he replayed the situation in his head. Based on the fact That he really didn't want to deal with Ronnie at the moment and know he had to be home by three-o-clock Louis decided it would just be best to head home now.

Louis pulled out his phone to read the time, 1:47, and deemed he could probably blame the early departure in fact on Harry having to go home soon, instead of telling Ronnie the three-o-clock time he knew was true he would change it to two-thirty, a half-hour isn't that big of a lie.

Scooting back the chair Louis stood up and grabbed his now empty cup, he hit his hand on the table lightly to gain Ronnies attention which ultimately failed. Louis threw his cup away and came back to see Ronnie hadn't even moved, she hadn't even noticed that Louis had left. It would have been so easy for Louis to just leave right now and not drive Ronnie back to her house and leave her to find an alternative way home.

As appealing as that whole situation sounded Louis knew that that would only make the entire situation worse knowing that only would Ronnie and her crew would blow up in his face and that his mom would probably take away his car privileges if she ever found out.

"Ronnie get up we have to get going."

"What, I haven't gotten to finish my shopping!"

"You're more than welcome to stay here and finish your shopping but I have to leave so you'll have to figure out a different way home."

Ronnie rolled her eyes in disgust as remembering that she and Louis had driven to the mall together. She thought about calling one of her friends to pick her up and they could shop together but soon realized she would probably have to tell them that she and Louis had gotten into a fight, and no one not even Ronnies closest friends could know that there was trouble in her paradise."

"Fine. I'm coming."

Ronnie to up and swung her purse over her shoulder before walking up to Louis who was already making his way to the parking garage. The walk was silent, the tension was still rising between the two and it was noticeable to every person who walked passed them.

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