Chapter 35

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The whole weekend was filled with tons of celebrations, Saturday morning Harry had a huge birthday breakfast with the Tomlinson's and his mum. For lunch, Harry headed to Groundz with Cassie and Niall staying until closing time. By Monday morning Harry was refreshed and felt like a whole new person, the time off from his project and the proper meals completely rejuvenated Harry and he was thankful for it.

Monday started just like every other day of the school year Harry woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, picked up Cassie and Niall, then drove to school. Traffic was usually heavy causing Harry and many other students to be stuck in their cars instead of first period. Thirty minutes after the first bell rang students were shuffling into the building, thankfully with nearly half of the student body bein late nobody was given a tardy and instead they all just headed to class.

Quickly the day went back to normal sitting in class and taking notes, listening to boring lectures, writing pointless papers. When the lunch bell rang Harry was excited to leave his journalism class and hang out with Niall and Cassie.

It wasn't long after the three sat down and began eating that near silences fell upon the cafeteria. Niall and Cassie quickly stopped talking and shifted higher in their seats to see what was happening, Harry had to turn around like an owl to be able to see the door of the cafeteria.

As soon as Harry looked up he was the crystal ball eyes of none other than Louis Tomlinson. A flash flood of memories from early Saturday morning came and drowned out every other thought in Harry's brain. Soft shuffles of footsteps and faint whispers began to creep into the air.

Louis kept walking forward, completely ignoring a hundred pairs of eyes staring him down. The closer Louis got to Harry and his small table the more whispers could be heard and the faster Harry's heartbeat.

When Louis finally sat down a couple of gaps escaped from lips all across the cafeteria, Louis rolled his eyes and forced a small smile. When did his personal life become everyone's live television show?

"How long do you think until they begin to talk again?"

Louis chuckled and began to unpack his lunch and lay the items out on the table, Harry, Cassie, and Niall did the same trying to act like every other group of teenagers in a high school cafeteria.

"We could start a food fight?"

"I like the way you think Niall!"

Niall and Louis looked at each other with a mischievous grin on their lips and a suspicious cock of the eyebrow. Cassie slowly opened up her pudding cup and slid it over to Niall.

"Okay nope, not today!"

Harry shot up and grabbed the pudding cup along with the bottles of water and a container of applesauce moving it to the edge of the table beside him, out of reach from everyone else.

"Oh come on!"

"I think team captains need to not get suspended and you two i can't drive home by myself so no detentions."

"Always so needy Harry."

"Was he this bad when you were younger?"

"Unbelievably mate!"

"So when did my life become people's personal entertainment?"

"Hey, you forced me to be here so I'm going to talk about whatever, even a needy Harry."

Harry let out a little yelp as Cassie's shows rammed into his shin. Louis' confused eyes darted between the two before finding Niall again.

"Does this happen often?"

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