Chapter 25

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The next morning Harry drove Niall and Cassie back to their respective houses before returning to his own. It was 10:00 am when Harry got back and he was still full from the previous night's adventures but he knew he needed to have a little something so he settled on an apple before heading up to his room.

Harry's mom had to go back into the hospital again after being home for only about seven hours leaving him all alone again. Harry took the time alone to deep clean his room and organize his closet. Grabbing his speaker Harry connected his phone and put on his favorite 2010 throwback playlist. Was it really a throwback playlist if it was only ten years ago? oh well.

Harry couldn't help but dance along to the peppy beats and the lyrics as he put clothes in his hamper and miscellaneous trash and junk he no longer needed and couldn't donate into a trash bag. Pretty soon Harry's room was decluttered and partially organized so he grabbed his now full laundry basket and walked down the hall to the laundry room where he threw in his first load of clothes.

After Harry went downstairs to the kitchen sink and grabbed the necessary cleaning supplies, wall safe cleaner, window cleaner, a duster, and a washrag and headed back upstairs. The music was still blaring so Harry got back to work.

It was an hour of spraying cleaner, whipping it up and repeating the process until it was finally time to do the final touch of dusting off his furniture and vacuuming the floor. Harry took a slight break before so he could swap out his laundry and add another load.

By the time Harry had finished cleaning his room all of his laundry was washed and fired, the only other thing that needed to be done was folding and putting the clothes away. So Harry dumped the clothes on his newly clean floor and went to his closet and grabbed enough hangers before he plopped down beside the mountain of clothes.

Harry hung all of his shirts and jackets in his closet while he put his jeans, shorts, and pajamas into his dresser. Once Harry was all finished with his deep clean it was nearly two-o-clock and his stomach began to let out little growls.

Thankful that he was able to keep most of the leftover food Harry popped some leftover pizza and fries into the oven. While his lunch was cooking Harry went on his phone and decided to look through his Instagram feed. Most of his feed was filled with posts from photography accounts capturing the New Years' celebrations, the art was starting to give Harry some inspiration.

As Harry ate his food he made the decision to go downtown and take some pictures. Harry rinsed off his plate and put in the dishwasher before going upstairs to change. Knowing that it was still freezing outside, literally, Harry decided on a pair of dark washed skinny jeans, a Beatles band t-shirt, and layered a maroon red surf shop hoodie. Harry laughed that he was wearing a beach hoodie in the dead of winter but who really cares.

Harry laced up his white converse and grabbed his camera bag from his desk before heading downstairs. Even with the layers when Harry walked into the garage to put his thing in his car he still got the chills so he headed back inside to grab his other jacket for extra protection.

When He got to the coat closet Harry remembered that he didn't have the jacket he was looking for, Louis did. Harry smiled knowing that he had Louis's handing on the back of his chair in his room but damn, he really missed having his jacket. It was his go-to article of clothing.

Having to rethink his plan Harry remembered that he had gotten a new acid-washed denim jacket for Christmas and decided to grab that instead, it was surprisingly comfortable having not being broken in yet. Finally ready to go Harry went back out to his car and began driving around town.

Harry parked his car in the downtown square and sat in his car as he prepared his camera with his go-to lense and day time settings. Once it was ready Harry organized what left in his camera bag and sling it over his shoulder and walked out in the sunshine.

It's Just A PhotoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon