Chapter 7

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Soon the night fell deeper in the sky and it was time for Harry, Cassie, Niall, Pheobe, and Daisy to grab some dinner. Unlike the last week of getting pizza Harry decided he would instead just make a large pot of spaghetti and meatballs for everyone.

Everyone was back in the kitchen, Pheobe and Daisy had changed out of their dresses and into some pajamas and were sitting on the kitchen island in the middle of everyone. Cassie and Niall had pulled out bowls for each member of the dinner party and brought them near the stove. With the noodles already boiling and the meatballs in the oven Harry pulled the tomato sauce from the pantry and got out the colander.

fifteen minutes later the water had been drained and the noodles tossed back into the pot along with the freshly cooked meatballs. Harry poured the container of sauce over the food and stirred the concoction. Harry laid out the five bowls near him than divided the food among them. He carried three bowls, one for Pheobe, Daisy, and himself to the dining table which they had occupied earlier.

The girls already sat in their chairs each with a glass of water, silverware, and a napkin in front of them leaving just enough room for the bowls to be placed in front.  Harry sat down the bowls then put his own bowl down on the table and pulling out his chair and sitting down.

Cassie came strutting in the kitchen with Niall close on her tail with a bowl in each of his hands.

"I'm so sad to see we are nothing enough on your royalty list to not have our food brought to us."

"Oh don't worry Cas you have your own prince now, no need for me anymore."

She turned around with a smile on her face as she saw Niall setting down two bowls of spaghetti on the table. She blushed at the gesture before sitting down. Cassie grabbed Niall's hands she whispered a thank you.

With all five people enjoying their dinner they began to talk in between bites. Everything from the retelling of Disney princess stories to stories of each of the elder's childhood memories. Memories of everyone's first day of school was the main topic of conversation. The images of a little Harry, Cassie, and Niall infiltrated Pheobe and Daisy's head as they could only imagine the three being as little as they are.

Pretty soon the moon hun high in the sky and the bowls of food now sat empty in front of the chattering group. Both Cassie and Niall both had to be home soon and since Harry had driven them here it was his responsibility to get them home too. Harry knew that he couldn't just leave the girls here by themselves, well he could they would honestly be fine, without feeling extremely guilty. It was in times like these that he was thankful to be driving his old 1996 Toyota Crayola, it may not be the prettiest but it had just enough room to fit everybody in.

It took a little bit of thinking but eventually seat assignments where settled, Harry as the driver, Niall riding shotgun, Cassie riding backseat behind Harry, and the twins sitting next to her in their car seats.

With everyone cramped in the car, Harry began driving. Niall began to give him directions to his house, which was surprisingly only about ten minutes away. The drive although short was anything but quiet. Once again Bruce Springsteen was playing through the car's speakers, Harry and Niall had a conversation going on in the front seats while the girls held a conversation all their own in the back. 

Pulling into a lit driveway Harry put the car in park allowing Niall to unbuckle his seatbelt and begin gathering his things. Harry bid him farewell as Niall got out of the car, he then instead of walking towards his front door he walked across the front of the car and to the window where Cassie sat. He quietly knocked on the window and cassie rolled it down to remove the space between them. Niall kept his voice quiet so as not to expose his words to the others of the car.

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