Chapter 22

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The radio was turned down low in the car so Harry could keep an eye on his two passengers. Harry always hated driving on holidays where people drank, New Years, St. Patrick's Day, World Cup finals, even though he only has driven during one of those, and surprisingly Halloween. Harry knew the dangers all too well, which is why he's always the designated driver but he still held onto that little ounce of fear that someone else may not be doing the right thing and that he'll have to pay the price. Just like Richard Tomlinson.

Thankfully Cassie and Niall were keeping themselves busy by heavily flirting with each other, apparently, they really didn't know they were already dating. At least it was a cute sight to see.

Harry always drove on the backroads on nights like these when he knew for a fact there were drunk drivers because let's be honest, they weren't aware enough to think about taking them. Harry turned off of the busy neighborhood street and onto an unlit street turning on his bright headlights to be able to see. It was then that Niall stopped talking, at least to Cassie.

"I knew it! I am being kidnapped!"

"Relax Ni, I'm not-"

"No, I know Louis put you up to this didn't he!"

"No. what? Where did you get that from?"

"I knew Louis was behind this!"

"Niall, Louis isn't behind anything because no one is being kidnapped!"

"Cassie we are so being kidnapped!"

"I repeat no one is getting kidnapped! I am just taking the back roads because it's safer!"

"Harold are we being kidnapped?"

"I might just kidnap you if you use a nickname again."

"CASSIE! Don't use a nickname!"


"Niall are you oka-"

"Where is Louis? Where is he hiding?"

"Louis isn't here!"

"Is he in the trunk?"

"What? No! Niall listen to me very quickly. Louis. Is. Not. In. The. Car."

"So you're not helping him kidnap us?"

"No. I am taking all of us back to my house so we can sleep."

"He's not at the house right?"

"No. Why would he be at the house?"

"Why wouldn't your boyfriend be at your house?"


It wasn't until Harry flicked his eyes back into the rearview mirror and saw Cassie's jaw practically hitting the floor that he remembered she was in the car. This wasn't good.

"Hold up you're dating Louis?"


"Of course not baby, he's just secretly in love with him."


"What! it's not like I'm wrong!"

"I am not in love with him!"

"You totally are!"

Harry rolled his eyes, there was no use in trying to deal with Niall at this point he clearly is too drunk to change his mind. Harry's mind instantly went to Cassie, she's going to be so pissed.

"Wait- when did Harry fall in love?"

"I don't know at least two weeks ago but probably longer."

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