Chapter 28

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Louis sat on his bed staring out at the stars in the sky. A simple replay of the past four years was on repeat in his head. A few smiles occurred but they all shared one similar aspect, none of those memoirs included Ronnie. Surprisingly there weren't many memories that consisted of Ronnie, she really only appeared with memories of parties or group hangouts.

It really scared Louis, knowing he had to let go of Ronnie. Even as bad, annoying, and downright mean she had been a constant in his life when he needed it.

Louis's eyes kept flickering back to his phone, if he didn't create a plan now it was never going to happen so at 1:00 am Louis unlocked his phone and sent Ronnie a text.

Can we meet downtown tomorrow? I want to talk to you about something.

There was no going back now. Louis knew that he wouldn't get a response until around ten the next morning and they probably wouldn't even meet up until two. All he really needed to do was to make sure he didn't back out of this.

The adrenaline and nerves from Louis finally making up his mind meant he was suddenly not tired at all, instead he felt jumpy. Louis was twiddling with his thumbs and tapping his feet together as he laid on his back. He tried to keep his focus on the small sparkles in the night sky, trying to copy their calmness. It did not work.

Even though Louis had a massive 40 inch TV in his room he preferred to watch things on his computer. He had to do a small roll over to the other side of the bed to grab his computer, pulling all the sheets with him turning him into a warm burrito.

Louis rolled back over and unlocked his computer, it was taking longer than normal to load. It was kind of annoying until Louis realized he literally had nothing better to do. When the screen finally lit up again Harry's pictures were still being displayed, instantly Louis's interest peaked.

Louis hadn't realized that he and Harry never actually finished going through his photos or that he hadn't even remembered the later photos they did both see. It was like he was seeing the photos for the first time all over again. They seemed even more beautiful when he was looking at them all alone.

The more and more photos Louis was looking through the photos he realized they had a calming effect on him. He was no longer fidgeting, his brain was no longer a messy blur and he felt as if he was standing in the middle of a snowglobe. Louis felt peaceful.

By the time Louis had gone through all of the nearly two thousand photographs, it was nearly three am and he was struggling to keep his eyes open. If it had been any other person's photographs Louis was sure he would have given up and went to bed an hour ago but he just couldn't bring himself to not look through everything.

Not knowing much about cameras or their memory card Louis had no idea if what was on his computer was the only copies of the photos. With this Louis decided to save all of the photos, eyes all of the two thousand photographs were being saved into a folder labeled 'Harry :)'


When Louis woke up on his own terms and not with Phoebe and Daisy jumping on top of him he concluded that his mom was probably home which meant he could take his time getting ready. Or rather he could procrastinate getting ready.

Louis dragged himself out of his warm bed, kicking his covers off as he went causing them to tangle around his ankles nearly tripping him. With his eyes still closed, Louis grabbed a towel and his robe from his closet before heading into his bathroom and turning on the shower.

Once he was released from the grasp of his pajamas Louis climbed in under the steaming water falling down from the ceiling. Although Louis wouldn't really consider himself pampered or into luxury items the one thing he knew he could and would never give up was his rain shower, it was easily the best part of most of his days.

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