Chapter 13

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After the more than abnormal interaction with Thane's old healer guy, I demanded he tell me where Onyx is so I can make her ass get up and train. He looked less than enthusiastic about waking up his mate, but to be honest, I couldn't care less.

Which is the story of how I ended up barging into her room and and wacking her in the head.

If you don't open your eyes in the next two seconds, the next hit is going directly into your kidney, I mindlinked her threateningly.

Her bright blue eyes shot open immediately. "How are you in my head?" She groaned, in a sleepy daze. She put her pillow over her face. As if that could ward me off.

The old healer guy made some potion that makes me able to mindlink with you, and a separate one for the rest of the pack, I explained.

Onyx groaned, her voice muffled by the pillow. "Why did you have to hit me to wake me up? A 'Good morning, Onyx, how did you sleep?' would have suffice."

I suppressed a smile as she uncovered her face from the pillow to glare at me. Get ready for training. If you're not down in five minutes, I'll keep that in mind while we're training," I vaguely threatened her.

I heard her heartbeat quicken as I left the room. Not surprisingly, my threat had done the trick. I didn't doubt that she would hurry downstairs as quickly as her scrawny legs could carry her.

I left the room and headed downstairs, where Axel was already waiting for me.

His eyes light up as I headed down the staircase. "Good morning, Ares!" He greeted me, his voice enthusiastic as ever.

I rolled my eyes. "You're in a good mood today."

He shrugged his massive shoulders. "It's kinda fun to be in Blue Moon without the Alpha. It's like a vacation," I snorted when he quickly corrected himself. "No offense, Luna. The Alpha is great and all, but I just appreciate not having to-"

I get it, Axel, I interrupted, biting my lip to keep a smile from forming. The atmosphere in this pack is very different, I can feel it too.

And I could. In Blue Moon, there was a lack of tension in the air that, to be quite frank, left me uncomfortable. It felt like I was in a Pixar movie, where nothing goes wrong and everyone ends up happily ever after.

I had a feeling this ambiance had to do with Thane. He was an excellent Alpha, no doubt due to his cool as a cucumber nature. Despite his even temper, his pack seemed to respect him. I was interested in how he thought we should deal with the issues with Red Crescent, but he didn't want to help the pack that was home to his sworn enemy, which I could.

"Is the pup coming down for training? I thought we would have left by now," Axel questioned. He was used to early morning trainings with me, and didn't understand why people were still sleeping in.

As if on cue, Onyx descended from the staircase in exercise gear.

Axel mindlinked me, she doesn't have much muscle tone, does she?

He wasn't wrong, but it was still rude to say. Shh. That's why we're here. I corrected him.

"Is the Blood Alpha coming?" Her small voice asked, and I could hear a slight hint of anxiety.

I shook my head. He already left with the Blood Lake wolves. Axel is just staying to babysit, I threw that last comment in only somewhat bitterly.

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