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3rd Person's PoV

  The Council of Gods were left flabbergasted due to the event that just unfolded. They always knew of the behaviour of the Fates but what occurred was very bizarre.

  "Now that's a first." Hermes said as soon as he regained his bearings.

  "Thrice in less than one lifetime." Dionysus muttered to himself.

  "I pity the child. He bears burden heavier than us." Hera said as she placed her face in her palm.

  "Apollo, when will this prophecy be announced by your Oracle?" Zeus asked his son.

  "Tomorrow Lord Zeus, I can already feel the restlessness in the Spirit of the Oracle." Apollo answered.

  "Use the time we have to prepare yourselves for war. We must be ready to defend when the enemies strikes. From today on, we Gods will no longer sit on our throne and let our children be massacred. We will join and aid our children this time." Zeus boomed making all the Gods cheer loudly.

  The speech of Zeus made the gods look at him in a different light. For the change of oneself can inspire or discourage the many and the change he took was one for the better good.

Camp Half Blood—

Leo Valdez's PoV

  "So let me get this straight, Crazy Dude runs for life and Unlucky Dude saves him. Then Crazy Dude took all the credits? Then Crazy Dude spreads rumors about Unlucky dude causing him to be shunned by the others, lastly Crazy Dude took Unlucky Dude's girlfriend and so he caused an earthquake giving the others a reason to banish him from camp." I said to Percy while raising an eyebrows. "Did I get it right?"

  The demigods Percy rescued were all gathered in his cabin courtesy of his brother Raven who invited them all. We were in the front of them making it look like a talk show.

  "Yes, though I don't understand why you have to give me a nickname." He shrugged and scratched the back of his head.

  "Dude, how could you let them do that to you?" I said while raising an arm in the air. "If you want I could burn the eyebrows of Arem."

  "Nah man, if I wanted to burn his eyebrows I would have done it a long time ago." He joked making the demigods who were listening laugh.

  "So tell me about your adventures Perce." I opened a new topic to him. "How did you survive out there?"

  The other kids nodded as they were also curious of the life of their saviour.

  "Well I was blessed by Lady Hestia and Lord Hades, but before that, I was told just now that I was blessed and guided through out my adventure by Lady Aphrodite." He said as if it was a daily occurrence in a demigod life. "Due to the new powers I received from Lady Hestia and Lord Hades it was easier to survive on my own, but the blessing of Aphrodite was the main reason I don't look like a corpse. Her blessing masked my demigod scent making me invisible and doesn't look like a chicken nugget to the monsters. So from then on forth I rescued demigods and send them to Camp Half Blood or Camp Jupiter, sometimes the Hunters."

  "So did you meet Chaos?" I asked, making him raise an eyebrow because of my question. "You know? The other you's from different fanfictions met Chaos. If no, do you at least have wings? Did you have an Assassin's Creed uniform? Did you wear a mask?" I asked and clearly he was very confused. Even I would be confuse of myself, wait who's PoV is this again? Oh right, it's my PoV.

  "Seriously Leo, stop breaking the fourth wall. It's confusing and irritating. To answer your questions, no I did not met Chaos. I don't have wings, seriously they are going to be annoying on a narrow space. No I don't have an Assassin's Creed uniform since they cause fortune, mortal fortune. Lastly I don't wear masks! They are useless and they just pisses me off." He fumed and a bunch of Ooh's and Ahh's were heard from the audience.

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