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Artemis' PoV

  'Where the hell is Percy!?', I thought to myself as I exited from the big house. He's not here, where could he be?

Flashback to Olympus—

  I listened to the inspriring speech of my Father. 'He really changed for the better good.' I thought to myself.

  "Now can we go back to Athena's case?" Aphrodite changes the mood instantly. "I think we are not done yet with what she did."

 Athena squirmed a little as she was once again the main topic of the meeting.

  "So let me get this straight now. All three of you are in love with my son?" Poseidon asked seriously and all three of us nodded. "Genuine or a scheme?"

  "What do you mean Poseidon?" Aphrodite looked confused.

  "You see, my son already has his heart broken once, and he don't need a second time. So if guys are only doing this for a competition, you are just wishing for a war." Poseidon summoned his trident to emphasize his point.

  I suddenly got cold sweat from the threat of my uncle. I mean not just me, all of us. I noticed Zeus nodded in agreement and so did Hera.

  "Poseidon, I believe you are sorely mistaken if you believe I will play with your son's heart." I said confidently eyeing the wary God of the sea. "As to prove my love to Perseus I swear on the Styx that my feelings for him is true and loyal only to him."

  Thunder rumbled on the distance and everyone anxiously waited for the consequences as if I lied. Nothing happened to me.

  "Me too, I swear to the Styx that my love is only towards Perseus and it is genuine and authentic." Athena said bravely as thunder once again rumbled. Pesky woman. As if Aphrodite was not enough as an enemy, she just had to join the fray.

  "I also swear to the river Styx that your son will not be harmed by my love and that my feelings for him is true." As Aphrodite finished talking, thunder rumbled and everybody including me expected for her to drop dead, but she didn't. What a shame.

  I noticed Poseidon sighed a relief as he was assured that we were not playing fool with his son. Zeus on the other hand was deep in his thoughts. I wonder what his small brain is doing.

  "A week from now we shall have this meeting again." Zeus said abruptly. "Young Perseus will be present by that time to have his opinion shared. I believe that he has a say in this as he is the focus of this dilemma."

  What? What did he said? Did I get it right? Did he just said that he is going to listen to the opinion of Perseus? I know that he has changed but not to this extent!

  I looked at my fellow Olympians for assurance of what I just heard and all of them were also shocked and had their mouths hang open.

  "What? What's wrong with what I said?" Zeus scrunched his eyebrows to us.

  "Uhm nothing Lord Zeus." Demeter said hastily.

  "Well then, this meeting is adjourned for now. You can now proceed to what you people are doing. And as to you three." Zeus pointed at Aphrodite, Athena and me. "Don't give him a hard time okay?"

  Zeus then vanished in a rain of lightning along with his wife Hera.

  I was frozen on my seat as to relish on what just happened. Okay, first things first, the problem with Athena was addressed poorly, I now had another rival, Zeus is good now and lastly I have no idea what to do!

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