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Reyna Arellano's PoV

It has been five long years since Percy Jackson's tragic death was brought upon us, and three years since I retired as New Rome's praetor.

I just didn't feel like it. I'm just glad that Hazel was the one who took over.

I am currently on my way to my home in the residential area in New Rome after finishing my college class. Like seriously, I'd rather battle monsters than study my major subject.

"Hey, Reyna!"

I looked over to the person or rather the Lare who called me and it was Vitellius, he looked slightly disturbed. No, scratch that, he was very agitated.

"How can I help you, Vitellius?" I asked politely.

"The gods are here! And they want everybody who can still fight to the front, now!" He screamed right in my face causing the ghost's saliva to fly in front of me.

"Why? Is something wrong? Did you already inform the Praetors?" I asked as I wiped my face.

"Yes! And the whole army is already moving! An enemy is just outside the tunnel, the watchmen had already been pulled out!" His image flickered in and out of existence as he talked or rather, rant.

"Let's go," I said grimly. As this has never happened before or did this already happen?

Whatever the enemy is, it must be very strong to have the gods so alarmed.


Just across the Caldecott tunnel and the Little Tiber

I surveyed the surroundings and just like Vitellius said, the army has been formed.

I walked towards the area where I spotted Frank and Hazel.

"Good day Praetors. What happened?" I asked as I neared them.

"I don't know Reyna, the gods said something was wrong," Frank answered a little anxious.

"You know, just your regular everyday occurrence in a demigod's life," Hazel added cheerfully.

"Yes, and where are the gods?" I asked and someone answered instantly.

"Right here former praetor Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano." I looked behind me and saw Mars.

I kneeled and bowed my head and so did the other people as they noticed that the gods had arrived.

"Lord Mars, we are honored to have you here," I said in a calm voice.

"I did not come alone Former Praetor, I came with the entire council. But it seems they are rather late." I heard Mars' teeth grinding from afar.

Then all of a sudden the water from the little Tiber rose and a bolt of lightning struck near Mars. Many others happened but I did not witness it as I was bowing.

The demigods looked up and were forced to back away as Jupiter and Neptune as well as the other gods arrived and they joined Mars.

"We are blessed to have you here, Lord Jupiter, Lord Neptune, Lady Juno, Lady Venus, Lady Diana, Lord Apollo, Lord Bacchus, Lord Mercury, Lord Vulcan, Lady Ceres, Lady Vesta, Lord Pluto, Lady Minerva, Lady Lupa," Frank said as he seems to have regained his bearings.

"Yes, it has been a long time. Yet, nothing changed." Neptune said in a bored tone.

"Still standing strong," Jupiter said calmly. "Stand up Romans! Today we are about to face a very powerful enemy, enough to scare Lupa and her wolves! We don't know what he is but this will be a tough fight!"

I was shocked, the gods never asked for our help due to their humongous pride, but now they are asking us for a collaboration effort? Amazing.

"Romans take my command! Cohorts 1 to 3 to the right-wing, 4 and 5 to the left. Those who are veterans at the back, you will be our reserved troops! We the gods will be the body!" Mars commanded and soon we were moving to our respective area.


I was stunned just as I was about to move. No, it was not just me, it was all of us. Even the gods.

A voice full of authority and power commanded us, it was so oppressive. That we could not dare to disobey it.


I looked to where the voice came from and just across the lake, a silhouette of a man appeared as he came out of the tunnel.

The sun illuminated his face and overall appearance.

And he looked just like him.

3rd Person's PoV
-Woods of Camp Half-Blood

Crunches of broken twigs and dried-up leaves were audible as the Person stepped on them.

The Person had a dirty blonde hair and green eyes wearing a camp half-blood shirt. He was the same person who came out of the portal a day prior.

He had been traveling for a day without rest. Hitching a ride from truck drivers just to arrive at his destination. And now he's at the back door of it.

"Stop right there." A voice said to the Person causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Who's there!?" The person said as he dug a coin from his pocket.

Will came out from behind a tree and aimed his arrow at the person, "I should be the one asking you that. You are not a camper here."

"Will? What do you mean I'm not a camper here?" The person said as if he could not believe what Will was saying.

"I don't know how you knew of my name, but I don't know you," Will said. "State your name so I can identify you."

"Seriously? Are you joking Will? Is this a prank organized by the Stolls and the entire camp?" The person rubbed his forehead as if he could not believe what was happening.

Will was shocked as to how the person knew of the Stolls, "What? No! I don't even know you!"

"Fine, if you want to play along as well." The person sighed in defeat.

"Thank you. Now can you state your name?" Will said a little grateful but still a little wary.

"Sigh, I'm Perseus Jackson. Head of the Zeus cabin. Of course, I'm the head, I'm the only one there."

Will stared, then he accidentally fired his arrow.

The person then flipped the coin he dug out from his pocket and it changed into a sword. And with one swing he deflected the arrow.

"What was that for!" The person said.

Will was now in a mixed state of disbelief and awe, "Sorry, uhm, what did you say? Head of the Zeus cabin?"



Did you sea what I did there? Bet you did!

Who do you think did Silhouette met in Tartarus?

It's going to be mayhem starting now, and I just noticed that Silhouette is having less screen time now.

Anyways, like I promised. It's an update!

Sadly this is the end. I'll miss you guys.

See you next season!

Sike! Did you think I would do that? I'll see you next update!

Ciao, and love you guys! Thanks for supporting me and my story!

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