Chapter 2

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"Another husband? I don't want another husband. Why would you offer me something like that?" I was flabbergasted. I didn't understand why they would offer me such a thing?

Am I too handful for them?

Are they finally bored of me?

Did I do something wrong?

Those thoughts made me feel anxious. I naively thought that we live happily in our marriage. I always thought that I contributed to our marriage, raising our children, to ruling the Ravendale. I didn't understand, weren't they happy having me as their wife?

"Annabelle, darling, you're a wonderful wife ..." Alexander gently said as he held my hand, but I removed my hand.

"If I'm a wonderful wife, then why are you offering me this? I'm content with having you two as my husbands." I said worrying about my husbands.

Maybe they are pressured?

"Our dearest, as Alexander said you're a wonderful wife but sometimes we worry that we don't give you enough attention since we accepted the role of the Prince Consort. We just think having another husband will be good for you since he can take some responsibilities in helping to rule the Ravendale and be another panther for you to lean on." Nathaniel explained.

"Besides that Annabelle you gave birth to our two beautiful children, you deserve to have another husband." Alexander gently reasoned.

Alexander is right, by Ravendalian family law, if I give birth to my first husband's child it means that I have a full right to get a second rank husband if I wanted to. The thing is I don't want to have a second rank husband.

"I don't mind you two being busy performing your duties as a Prince Consorts, I can handle it. I don't think there is a need for me to get the second rank husband." I explained to them.

"Well, the thing is we already found you a candidate." Nathaniel sheepishly said. I blinked a few times until I understood.

"Don't tell me you registered him as part of my harem?" I asked with a hint of a dangerous tone.

"We truly apologize our dearest wife, but we indeed registered them as part of your harem." Alexander sheepishly answered.

"How dare you registered another husband behind my back!?" I stood up and moved so I could stand in front of them.

"I've never given my consent to find and register another man behind my back. Have you ever thought about how are we going to explain to our children? What if new husband and children will hate each other!?" I almost screamed. I didn't want to raise my voice on my husbands, but I was furious that my husbands found a candidate behind my back.

I didn't know how my new husband looks, his personality, is he capable, is he good with children. Especially, since I've never considered finding a second rank husband.

"Annabelle, we live in Ravendale it's normal for Ravendalian families for the child to see a mother with another man. This type of family structure survived for many centuries now. Our children will get used to it since in Ravendale is not frowned upon." Alexander reasoned.

I clench my fist, instantly my nails dug into my palms.

Alexander is right, this family structure for centuries and I have a full fight to have a second husband as a Queen I can get husbands as many as I want. As a Queen, I'm expected to have a harem of husbands with a good status so it would help to increase my power.

Why I naively thought that I can keep my family as the way I always wanted?

"Give me some time to process this." I told them with a cold and tired voice.

Queen of the Ravendale (Book 2, The Ravendale series)✔Where stories live. Discover now