Chapter 15

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Nathaniel brought me to our room and gently laid me on the bed.

I was becoming tired and shivered because of the side effect of overusing my magic. Nathaniel started taking care of me he asked one of the staff to bring me a tea that is made with the healing potion so I wouldn't be suffering from side effects. Then Nathaniel started finding blankets to keep me warm.

"Shouldn't you with the commanders and overseeing the operation?" I asked Nathaniel and he shook his head.

"My priority as a husband is to make sure that you were taking care of. Besides the commanders were given the instructions and there is no reason for me to oversee them when I can take care of you." Nathaniel answered while he covered me with a blanket and kissed my lips.

The staff on the ship was incredible fast, he knocked on the door and delivered the tea. 

Nathaniel thanked him and brought the tea to me. I took the tea and drank it.

The tea was very bitter. Nathaniel noticed that I wasn't fond of the tea. I never liked the taste of Ravendalian potions.

"Drink it, you will feel better after that." Nathaniel urged me.

"I would rather suffer the side effects." I told him but Nathaniel gave me a sly grin.

"You know I could offer other alternatives to make drinking the tea more comfortable?" Nathaniel slyly suggested.

"Thank you, but no thank you!" I said in a defeated tone and drank the tea and Nathaniel slightly smirked.

The gunshots were still heard in and the operation would continue for another hour until all of the on the pirates will be put in the cell.

After I drank the tea Nathaniel suggested that I should take a nap so I could regain my energy faster but I was still shivering.

"Need another blanket?" Nathaniel asked I shook my head.

"No, I need body heat." I told him with a sly grin. Nathaniel smiled and complied with my demand and cuddled with me.

Despite the gunshots, I managed to fall asleep.

The voices awakened me. Nathaniel was talking to the captain's assistant. I couldn't the exact words but there was something have happened.

After the captain's assistant left the room I sat up and asked Nathaniel.

"What happened?"

Nathaniel was surprised when he heard my voice because he wasn't expecting to wake up.

"The leader of the pirates demanding to see us claiming that he is one of the Siada's Royalty." Nathaniel explained me the situation

Are the pirates are desperate or there is indeed a stupid royal who thought that he can destroy the chance for Ravendale and the Siada Kingdom to built a commercial relationship?

"I'm coming with you." I've told Nathaniel.

"Do you have enough energy? If not then I can handle it, Annabelle. You shouldn't waste your energy on this." Nathaniel said in a worried tone.

I got up out of bed but I still staggered since I stood up too fast and got a migraine. Nathaniel sighed that he knew that he cannot convince, so he came to and held me until my migraine would pass.

I wanted to go as soon as my migraine passed but Nathaniel stopped me because he wanted to fix my dress.

"Shouldn't we hurry up?" I asked Nathaniel.

"Why we should hurry up for some pirate? You're a Queen and as a Queen, you should come whenever you feel like it." Nathaniel stated.

Unfortunately, Nathaniel has a point. Other than that, my grandmother taught me that the Queen should always look perfect no matter what, the only exception is war. After a nap, I didn't look like a Queen. I sighed and went to my vanity and brushed my hair.

Nathaniel didn't mind waiting for me.

After I finished brushing my hair and fixing my makeup, Nathaniel brought me a coat to wear.

We had to go to the escorting ship to interrogate the reckless individual. After a battle, many of the mages are out of energy to teleport us to another ship so we decided not to bother them and walk to another ship using a bridge that is used to board the ship and when is necessary to go to the other ship.

Luckily, I've felt much better after a nap and had more energy to interrogate the person.

A lot of guards and commanders were surrounding the so said Siada's 'royal' and he was made to kneel on the floor.

"So you were the one who asked to see me?" I asked the person firmly. The person raised his head. He had the features that are common in Siada: olive skin, brown/green eyes, dark hair. But it's didn't mean that he was a royal, then again he looked that he was about seventeen years old. He seems like a reckless royal who would dare to attack Ravendalian ship.

"I'm King Ymir's younger brother, Aryan of Siada Kingdom. I demand you to let go of me and my men and pay for the damages you caused us." Aryan demanded and I scoffed but remained calm.

I was scared when I found out that we were being attacked by the pirates but I didn't know that we were being attacked by the pirates who were commanded by the spoiled teenager. He is lucky that I'm not in the mood to feed him to sharks.

"And how I can believe you that you are one of King Ymir's brother? Usually, royals carry a document with them or seal that proves that they are royal but judging by your clothes, I don't think you carry that around you." I asked Aryan and I was right about him that he didn't carry any prove. There was a noticeable fear in his eyes because he knows that I can kill him if he doesn't have proof.

Also, If he is one of the Ymir's brothers, he can only be his half brother because Ymir was the only Queen's child, and Siada Kingdoms men are allowed to have multiple wives. Furthermore, brothers from the royal families tend to be very competitive, try to dethrone each other, and try to gather the supporters.

The idea hatched in my mind.

"But if you are King Ymir's brother, I guess I would need to ask him for the compensation since you attacked the Ravendalian ships first." I've told him. Aryan paled from fear even more.

"Take him back to the cells." I asked the guards and the grabbed Aryan and took him to the cells.

I and Nathaniel walked back to our main ship. Nathaniel notices that I have an idea.

"What are you planning to do?" Nathaniel asked me with curiosity.

"Well, Siada Kingdom had always had a problem with the pirates. Do you think I will look very sincere if I present him as one of the causes of their problem?" I explained to Nathaniel. 

Nathaniel chuckled since he knows exactly what I mean.

"My dear, you always have brilliant ideas." Nathaniel praised me.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter in six days I will be traveling for a vacation ( within my country that has about only 300 active cases) so I wouldn't able to update frequently.

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