Chapter 25

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Finally, we arrived at the apartment by the looks of it the food that I ordered haven't arrived either. I looked at the app and it's said that the food will arrive in thirty minutes.

I guess I will have additional thirty minutes to relax

I removed my heels and went to the wardrobe to change my clothes. Although I love how I looked elegant in the suit, I would still prefer wearing a knitted sweater.

I chose a light pink knitted sweater that is made from the real sheep wool and jeans to match the sweater. Then I went to grab a book that I can read until the food arrives.

I grabbed a random self-growth book from the shelf and started reading it.

Abel entered the bedroom and saw me reading the book. Alistair and Abel were already got used to the quirks that I like to do in Etria.

"Would you like me to help remove the updo and brush your hair?" Abel asked while smiling at Annabelle.

"Oh, please do. I was too lazy to do it by myself." Annabelle replied.

To be honest, I also got used to them.

Abel grabbed the brush from the bathroom and I moved my back so Abel can comfortably brush my hair. At first, he gently removed the hair ties and hairpins that used to keep my updo, and then he gently started brushing my hair from the bottom.

"You are good at this!" I complimented and Abel smiled.

"I'm glad that you are comfortable, Annabelle." Abel replied.

The Alistair came to the room to saw how Annabelle the scene. Allistair is glad that Annabelle is becoming more comfortable with them. The honeymoon does help deepen the relationship.

"Oh hey, how many minutes left till the food will arrive?" I asked Alistair.

Alistair wanted to answer but the butler interrupted him.

The butler apologetically bowed to us and said "There is someone who would like to see you."

"Oh, perhaps is the food!" Annabelle beamed.

"I will go and check it out." Alistair said. He was sure that it wasn't a delivery guy.

His instincts were right once he arrived in the hallway.

James is standing there with the two guards that make sure that he wouldn't enter the penthouse.

"How may I help you?" Alistair politely asked James. He tried not to look disgusted. James looks worse then he looked five years ago but Alistair still doesn't get what Annabelle saw in him.

"I came to see Anna, I meant Annabelle." James answered without stuttering he was nervous and he was startled that Annabelle's secondary consort speaks politely with him.

"Perhaps, you could provide a letter or well any evidence that you made an appointment with Queen Annabelle?" Alistair wasn't giving up.

He used his mind linking power that most of the shifters have to telepathically send a message to his brother so he could distract Annabelle.

"No, I don't but Annabelle knows me and I'm sure she would like to see me." James desperately tried to convince Alistair but Alistair wasn't having any of it.

"I'm sorry there is nothing that I can help with. She would have told us or sent you a letter if she desired to see you." Then Alistair asked to escort James.

But James was still stubborn so he shouted Annabelle's name.At that point, Alistair wanted to shift in his half-form and kill James.

"Kick him out! Make sure and keep an eye on him if he tries to come back" Alistair ordered the guards. Guards grabbed James and forcefully tried to escort him to elevators.

Queen of the Ravendale (Book 2, The Ravendale series)✔Where stories live. Discover now