Chapter 30

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Tomorrow it's will be a day when the Fayan diplomats will arrive at Ravendale. I hope the meeting will be successful or at least Ravendalians don't need to go to war again.

It definitely won't be good for my resume if the Ravendale would go to war during my first year of ruling.

The Faya is a little bit similar to Ravendale but the relationship between countries is complicated.

Faya is also home to the magical creatures of their own but there not many of them in Faya than in Ravendale.

In Faya same-sex marriages are allowed since women can magically impregnate other women. 

Thus, Faya also has a matriarchal society like Ravendale but polygamous marriages aren't allowed in there.

In the contrast, Ravendale can't afford to make same-sex marriage legal due low population of women since there isn't official research on how women reproduce with each other if they both have the same reproductive organs. Furthermore, I will be challenged by the man's council and other traditional parties if I would make same-sex marriage legal.

Currently, the Faya is ruled by the two Queens but lately, they almost divorced because of the grief caused by having their daughter kidnapped from them and failing to find their daughter for more than twenty years.

Queen Oriane who is born into royalty accused the Ravendalian royal family of kidnapping their daughter since Ravendale wasn't content ending the war with a tie.

Needless to say, that made the royal family very confused about Queen Oriane's accusations since they have always preferred peace.

The Ravendale's royal family started the investigation but they couldn't find any leads that it was the work of Ravendalalian people or any newborn babies passed the border. In the end, the Ravendalian royal family were tired of the Fayan Queen's and told her that she was simply framing them.

Since then Queen Oriane still hold the grudge against us and her wife Queen Luna was simply too depressed to take some kinda action that could have led to their daughter.

I can only hope her grudge won't affect the result of the diplomatic meeting.

I decided to spend time with my children since ruling the kingdom does take a lot of time out of your hands and children grow up so fast that if you don't spend enough time with them you will regret it later on.

The door was opened in the hallway and I noticed that Elizabeth was reading a book to my youngest children.

Little Leofred noticed me and he runs up to me.

"Mommy, Elizabeth reading a scary story." My son complained to me and I noticed Angelina had a scared look on her face.

I picked up my son and sat on the floor next to Angelina and Elizabeth then sat my son on the lap.

"That's because they were curious and bugged me to read the story to them." Elizabeth defended herself.

"Now what kind of story you were reading?" I asked Elizabeth out of curiosity.

"The story is called 'The boy and his shadow'." Elizabeth answered and I was surprised.

I could barely see the title of the cover since the book was black and the titles were barely visible since the book looked pretty old.

'The boy and his shadow' considered a horror classic in Ravendale and of course, the book wasn't suitable for children.

The book was about a boy that survived at the birth while his twin brother died but instead of going to heaven, he became his brother's shadow.

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