Chapter 27

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I opened my eyes and I couldn't recognize the surroundings around me. I looked around and I saw the blooming garden that is covered by the white fog.

The surroundings didn't make any sense because it was winter and the garden doesn't bloom on winters at least not in Etria or Ravendale.

There was no sound. No sound of the birds chirping, no sound of the winds, no sound of small critters.

I decided to explore this dead garden.

Then I noticed a figure standing next to the pond.

A long blonde hair and height were similar to mine a very familiar figure.

"Mother?" I asked.

She turned with a small side smile.

"It's great to finally see you, Annabelle." she gently said.

I couldn't help but tear up when seeing her.

"I'm so sorr-." The more I tried to say the more I sobbed.

"Oh Annabelle, don't cry, you're also a mother and yet you are bawling your eyes like a child." she lightly chastised me.

She came to me and wiped my tears.

"Feeling regret wouldn't do you any good. What is done it's done." Her demeanor was the same as how I remembered. She would always be strict with me and then sigh if I make a mistake there are also moments that she is gentle.

I just wish that at that time I hadn't become so selfish.

"Besides the only thing I wanted for you is to be happy, aren't you happy right now?" I sobbed more despite trying to hold my sobs.

"I am, but I wish that I didn't make that mistake." I answered.

"No one has the ability to turn time, Annabelle. Making mistakes is part of learning."

"You should focus more on the present than dwelling at your past mistakes."

"In the end, I'm still proud of you."

My mother then hugged me and I hugged her back." I longed for her embrace.

"Now I think it's time for you to come back." My mother told me.

"What do you mean?" but my mother only smiled for me.

Then I woke up in the infirmary back in Ravendale.

As much as I wanted to ponder about why I dreamt about my mother. I started getting headaches when I remembered how I ended up in this state.

'I caused so much mess and I also dragged Abel and Alistair into this!' I thought

I just didn't want to call for a doctor nor nurse but the nurse spotted me awake and went to inform my husbands.

I wish to slip back in a coma again then dealing with the mess I created.

Unfortunately, the nurse spotted me and called the doctor who checked my vitals and asked if I don't experience it any pain.

"How long have I've been asleep?" I asked the doctor.

"About a week." the doctor answered.

A week? I started to get headaches.

"The poison that assassins used you is very powerful there could be a chance that you might slip in the coma for about a year, but luckily your healing abilities became more powerful your majesty." The doctor explained to be.

Nathaniel and Alexander must be very worried about me. Not only that they have to clean the mess I made and at the same time explain the children what happened.

My headaches increased.

"Luckily, with current Ravendalian medicine there is no scar left." The doctor informed me.

"Great!" I weakly answered.

"Although, your majesty you would need to rest for a week before we remove stitches and be able to resume your duties." I sighed at the doctor's sentence.

I feel very uneasy resting for a week when I created this mess.

Finally, I was left in my room and I mentally prepared my husbands to scold me when they see.

Alexander entered the room five minutes after the doctor left.

"Oh, Annabelle, It's must have been a scary experience for you. Do you feel alright?" The first thing that Alexander asked.

"No, I'm just peachy." I weakly smiled.

"Why so?" Alexander asked.

"I just feel ashamed that I behaved selfishly and you ended cleaning my mess." I've told him then Alexander smiled and kissed my forehead.

"We're lucky that we have such an aware wife." Alexander answered and then chuckled at my dispirited expression.

"Was there a lot to fix?" I asked Alexander.

"Don't worry about it for now. You should focus on recovering and we will talk about it later." Alexander comforted me then he simply held my hand.

At least, he didn't scold me. I guess they didn't want to add stress while I'm recovering.

"How are Abel and Alistair?" I asked Alexander. During the whole ordeal, they were the ones who were extremely stressed.

Alexander's expression changed.

"They have been punished."


Here is chapter 27 and I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

If I remember correctly that is the first appearence of Annabelle's mother. Even though Annabelle is a Queen right now she still felt that regret.

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And I will see you later my alligators!<3

Queen of the Ravendale (Book 2, The Ravendale series)✔Where stories live. Discover now