Chapter 23

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Fortunately, traveling to Etria doesn't take long nor it's dangerous. To Travel from Ivyvale to Etria's capital city it's takes about twelve hours since we have to switch different types of transportation.

During the princess training, I managed to meet the leaders of Etria Thomas and Nancy Volkov. They came to visit Ravendale and my grandmother wanted me to meet them. Although they were polite, I still felt weird around like they were hiding something controversial.

I decided to ignore it because most of the world leaders are weird or eccentric in some way.In the meeting, I understood that Thomas and Nancy enjoy manipulating the news and information to Etrian people and how Etria isn't exactly a democratic country that I thought but it's actually a hidden autocratic country. I could only sigh since I couldn't do anything about and 

Ravendale couldn't denounce Etria since we in need of allies and friends.

At first, I and my secondary husbands traveled with the carriage first until we reached the train station. With the train, we traveled to the Bridleshore. Then in Bridleshore, we changed the transport to an Etrian one.

At the beginning of December in Etria starts snowing. My secondary husbands asked questions about Etria and I didn't mind answering them since it's better for them to ask, rather than become clueless.

There were no reporters when we arrived at the penthouse that I last stayed in and I was relieved. Since I wanted my evening to be peaceful.

The penthouse was merged with two additional floors and was remodeled to add more property value and give more privacy.

Alistair helped me to get off the hovercar and the staff that was already at the penthouse helped us to carry our items.

I remembered the last time I've been in the penthouse. I have a little bit of guilt but right now it doesn't matter since I've already moved on and I have a wonderful family of my own.

"Turn on the lights." I said and the lights in the penthouse turn on.

"Is this magic?" Abel asked me and I shook my head.

"No, it's a man-made." I explained to Abel. Using magic light will be difficult to implement in the people's home because, in order to use magic, people need to be a magic-user in order to light up their own house.

"Etria is indeed an interesting country. They are more advanced but everything in here is man-made." I agreed with Alistair's words.

At one point I wanted to live permanently in Etria.

"Also an interesting honeymoon destination." I almost froze at Alistair's voice. I always thought that I was visiting a country for a diplomatic reason. I guess that is why Alexander and Nathaniel gave us more than enough days to stay in Etria.

"It appears so." I answered them.

Unfortunately for me, my first husbands had also planned for us to share the bed. There were also guestrooms but the staff told that those rooms were 'unprepared'.

When I come back, I should definitely talk with Nathaniel and Alexander on why they are insisting on becoming the matchmakers.

Either way, I didn't make my secondary sleep on the floor, and neither they let me sleep on the couch, so we decided to share a bed.

On the next day I woke up early, I carefully got off the bed without waking up Abel or Alistair. I was excited to cook again, I never had a chance to cook in Ravendale since I was mostly focused on opening my clinic and then training to become a competent Queen. Furthermore, there weren't any staff in a kitchen and the refrigerator was filled.

Decided to make simple breakfast eggs with bacon.

Since Alistair and Abel are shifters they have heightened hearing so I definitely made them stir in their sleep when I tried to get out and of course they heard me rummaging through the kitchen.Eventually, they woke up and decided to check what I was up to.

They were definitely surprised seeing me cooking.

"Oh, you are both awake? Would you like some eggs and bacon?" I asked them both.

"I guess we wouldn't mind tasting our wife's cooking." Abel answered.

"We didn't know that you can cook." Alistair added.

"I just never had a chance to practice my cooking in Ravendale." I answered to them then I grabbed more eggs and bacon.

"Do you need any help?" Abel asked but I shook my head since cooking eggs and bacon was pretty easy.

"Is there anything scheduled today?" I asked the twins.

"For now we have a free day, then tomorrow we would have to meet the diplomats at the Ravendalian embassy and then we would have a press conference with the Etrian leaders." Alistair explained.

"After that, we would have to attend a few more ceremonies, interviews, and meetings." Abel added. I guess in Etria we have a lot of work to do.

I didn't mind staying in Etria and working there for a few days. It was a long time since I've been in Etria.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! ^_^

Currently I have 2-3 chapters left in order to finish the book and this book will have about 40 chapters! I hope you excited to read the ending of this book.

Please drop a theory in the comment on how the book will end and I would like to read your theories ^-^!

See ya later my alligators!

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