Chapter 1

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Ella Emblen, the high school princess, badass and Rebel. Known for her temperamental boyfriend, jock friends and oddly kind personality

She was the girl who walked with her head up high and a giant smile on her face and greeted everyone as she walked down the halls to her next class. Her long brown hair that swayed softly as she walked down the hall in an old pair of worn out black high top converse.

Then Her best friend Jeff Atkins died and her whole world felt like it wash crashing down around her and swallowing her up into a gigantic hole that she couldn't get out of. Ella struggles to keep her head held high but when her boyfriends voice echoes through her ears she manages to tilt her head up as her boyfriend give her a kind smile and embraces her into a hug and places a gentle kiss on her forehead. He friends and boyfriend were there for her and she slowly stated to try and get back to her old self and though she wasn't able to go back fully and she knew that she would never be able too as Jeff was her best friend and was always there for her. She was able to put a small smile back on her face and start to get her life back on track

Then the whole incident with Hannah Baker happened and Ella lost it again but she knows that she is strong and she has great people to help her deal with it. She was one of the reasons that the girl had killed herself and Ella didn't know if she could really live with that but she knew that she had to try. She saw how much people suffered and still are suffering when Hannah killed herself and she wouldn't want to put Montgomery or her friends through any pain like that. Especially if she was the person who was causing that pain.

Ella quickly pulled the cheer uniform over her head and flatbed it out before turning to Jess

"Hey are you ok?" Ella asks quietly even though she knew that Jess was worried about Justin not being there and to be completely honest Ella was worried and pissed off with how the boy had been acting lately. 

Ella and Justin always opened up and told each other everything, and she was there for him whenever he needed her and the same vice versa. He always stated at her house whenever Meth Seth was over or another tone of his mum's boyfriends were over and hurting him. But recently she felt like he was keeping something from her and she didn't like it.

"Yeah I'm fine El. Don't worry about it" Jess said with a fake smile in her face and Ella smiled sympatheticly towards her friend who looked like she was going to break down any second

"Alright come on girls let's get out there and show them how it's fucking done" Sheri yells and all of us let out a small cheer of agreement before running towards the gym doors and then running through them

The crowd let out large cheers as the girls ran out in their tight, short uniforms that hugged Ellas curves perfectly

They began to do the cheer routine that they had been practising for the last two weeks and Ella looked over at Jess nervously as she saw her struggling with the choreography

Ella gets lifted into the air and she locks eyes with clay Jenson and notices the headphones that were wrapped around his neck and she looked at him knowingly and he raised his eyebrows at her in surprise as he realised why she was giving him that look.

He couldn't believe that someone like Ella could have killed Hannah. But then again, he never thought he could have either and her boyfriend is Montgomery De La Cruz, the boy in the school who was known for picking the most fights but being stopped by his girlfriend who could instantly calm him down with just her soft voice ringing through his ears

They place Ella back on the flooring they finish the routine and the crowd began to cheer again as the cheerleaders ran over to their Pom poms and stood in two lines leaving a pathway between them that lead to the gym doors

Bolan walked up to the mic and leaned forward to speak into it "hey there liberty tigers. It is an exciting day at liberty high. Our varsity Basketball team is kicking off its preseason today, the first step on the road to returning to the state finals"

The crowd and cheerleaders began cheering and Ella locked eyes with Montgomery as he winked over at her and she felt a light blush cover her cheeks and she smiled widely at him and gave him a small wave

"By liberty tradition. I am happy to welcome to the podium the winner of this years captain award, to introduce the varsity squad" Bolan continues

"Walker" a boy from the baseball team calls out and Bryce smirks

"Now this seasons winner is co-captain of the football team and the baseball team and was called an inspiration to the entire team, friend to all, a tough mother bleep and a true born leader. And I am delighted to bestow the liberty highs captain award to Bryce walker" Bolan says and the crowd cheers and Bryce makes his way up to the podium with a giant grin on his face.

Bryce shakes hands with Bolan and then holds the award up in the air and listens to the cheers of the crowd as he relishes the moment. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is such a big honour to be a liberty student athlete. GO TIGERS. Now, this years starting line up William Barkly"

Amybeth, a cheerleader runs forward and begins to do a front hand spring into a backflip and William runs out behind her and they stand in the middle of the court and amybeth moves back a bit so she is about two metres behind the basketball player

"Zach Dempsey" Bryce says with a proud smile and then Ella runs out and does a round off into 5 continuous back hand springs and Zach runs out after her and the crowd goes wild the the walk over next to the others

"Good job Zachy, I'm so proud of you" Ella smiles at her best friend who she would do anything for and then notices the small glare that Monty was giving the tall boy and she rolled her eyes and cheekily blew a kiss to her boyfriend and a wide grin eventually made it on to his face.

"Justin Foley" Bryce yells and Jess does a round off but Justin was nowhere to be seen and all that could be seen was the large frown of Jessica's face and Ella walked up and wrapped her arm around her friends shoulder comfortingly and pulled her into the side of her body

"He can be a real asshole some times" Ella sighs and Jess doesn't say anything and just pulls away and stomps out of the gym.

Ella gets a large frown on her face and begins to regret what she said "god I'm such a bitch" she goes to follow Jess out but stops when she meets montys worried eyes and she stays put as the rest of the team is called out

Ellas eyes follow the Jensen boy as he gets up and walks out of the gym and she lets out a sigh and then puts a fake smile on her face.

"Hey babe, great job out there today" Mont says as he places a rough kiss against her lips "kinda sucks that you were cheering on Dempsey though"

Montgomery's jaw clenched tightly as he spit out Zachsast name and watched the tall boy taking with some kids on the football team just up the hallway

Ella places a kiss on the bottom of his jaw and then his lips before she pulls away and looks into his eyes

"Well if you played basketball then I would definitely be cheering you on instead" Ella smirked and laced their fingers together

"Fuck basketball I'm sticking to football and baseball" Monty says and continues to glare at Zach

"You can't glare at him forever Monty" Ella sighed

"I can glare at anyone who might think that he has a shot Of getting with my girl" Monty growls and Ella places her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around her

"It's not like that, you already know that. And besides I'm always going to choose you, no matter what. It's always going to be you. Always" ella whispers and he places a soft kiss on top of his head

"You and me forever princess. You and me forever" he sighs


Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now