Chapter 32

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The ringing in ellas ear still hadn't subsided and her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and it was getting harder for her to stay awake. But the truth was that she didn't want to stay awake anymore. The pain that she felt was too big and she didn't want to be here anymore she wanted to be with Jeff. That's all she wante-

"Ella? Shit Jeff" clay calls out as he sees Jeff with deep red blood running over his tanned skin and soaking into his once clean clothes and then he noticed the small delicate body that was laying over him and his eyes widened slightly as he realised it was Ella. Jeffs chest wasn't moving which meant he wasn't breathing and Ellas limp body weakly clutched onto Jeff's shirt as she lay there and was barely conscious, breathing lightly

Clay ran over to the destroyed car and grasped the handle tightly in his shaking hands as he tried to pull on the cold door handle harshly to open it but it wouldn't budge "come on! Ella stay awake alright!"

Ella heard the boys muffled shouts and the pain in her body became unbearable as she slowly shut her eyes and everything went black as she passed out

"Ella hang on!" Clay cried out desperately as he tried to keep calm and keep his tears at bay as the scene unfolded around him. He stumbled away from Jeff's car and then weakly ran over to the other car and saw an old man passed out and leaning against his door "hey hold on. Hold on one sec"

Clay reached his shaking hands into his pocket and ripped his phone out quickly. His hands vibrated strongly and he dropped the phone but he was quick to pick it back up again and call 911 and he was able to choke out what happened

The ambulance had quickly arrived and began to check out the crime scene and access the bodys and bottles of beer on the floor in front of the girl.

Ellas tired and miserable eyes opened slightly as they quickly sat her mangled body on a hard stretcher and attached an oxygen mask to her face

"Jeff. Where's Jeff" Ella mumbles out and everything was blurry

"It's alright sweetie. We need to get you to hospital you're in a critical condition" a female paramedic says quickly and rubs her arm as they rush her into an ambulance but she kept talking

"No you don't understand. I need to see him, I need to see him" Ella cries and tries to sit up and thrash around in the stretcher. Her voice was panicked and rough and fear and worry was etched deeply into her face

"I need help over here" the lady calls quickly and other paramedics ran over and 7 people had to hold Ellas thrashing body still and keep her on the stretcher  "you need to calm down sweetie. If you don't stop moving your going to make your condition worse"

"Jeff! Jeff! You need to let me see him. I need to know he's okay" Ella cried out and tried to pull out of their arms and go to Jeff. Ellas eyes widen and she let's out a small shriek as they put a needle in the girls arm to knock her out her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing became light again

"Alright quick. We need to get her to hospital. Now" the nurse says and they lift Ella into the ambulance and shut the doors and speed her off to the hospital. All while they were taking Jeff's body out of the car and putting him in the notorious yellow bag. He was gone.

Ellas eyes flutter open as she feels soft kisses trailing along her jaw

"Morning beautiful" Montgomery whispers to the girl quietly and continues to kiss her gentle skin and she smiles slightly before burying her head further into his bare chest and allowing the body heat from their two naked boys to mix together. Montgomery began to trace small patterns on her naked back while staring down at her with a small smile that danced across his lips
"Are you sore?"

"A little but I'll be fine" she mumbles and closes her eyes tightly before letting out a soft yawn

"How'd you sleep princess?" Monty asks softly while he begins to study her face. She was truly beautiful and he didn't know why someone like her would like someone like him but he knew he should just enjoy it instead of question it. His eyes faced over the light freckles that were littered all over the girls rosy cheeks and he stared at her in awe. Even the small scars that were over her body from the broken shards of glass from the car accident were beautiful to him.

"Good" she replies quietly and then let's out a short sigh and sits up slowly and goes to get out of bed but he grabs her delicate arm softly and runs his fingers over her lightly bruised wrists

"Stay in bed with me. We can cuddle all day" Monty pouts and gives her puppy dog eyes "pretty please. It's Saturday. We have nothing important to do"

"We're meant to be meeting up with the guys" Ella replies and leans down to kiss him on the lips and then he grabs her waist quickly and pulls her body on top of his and traps her in his arms and she lets out a frightened yet happy squeal and she ran her fingers through his messy hair

"You're so beautiful Ella" Montgomery whispers and she leans her forehead against his and stares lovingly into his eyes with a playful grin on her face

"I could say the same about you" Ella replies with a grin and he scoffs playfully while looking away from her eyes quickly and then looking back again.

"I'm not beautiful I'm sexy" he replies with a smirk and playfully bites his lip

"Nope. But you definitely are adorable" she grins cheekily and kisses him on the top of his nose "and cute"

"I'm not cute and I'm definitely not adorable. I'm just sexy and hot" Montgomery whines with a pout on his lips

"Or maybe you're just all of them" she grins and kisses him on the lips and his hand trails down and squeezes her ass softly

She gasps and her cheeks flush red and she wacks his arm playfully and tries to hide her blushing cheeks but he put his hands under her chin and turned her head so she was facing him again and she chokes out  "you said cuddling"

"Well we can have sex too" Montgomery says and she laughs again

"What if I just want to cuddle?" Ella says and raises her eyebrow at the boy and he smiles at her softly and kisses her nose and then stares back into her eyes

"Then we will just cuddle beautiful. Whatever you wanna do just tell me and we'll do it" Montgomery says softly and stares into her eyes and could feel himself getting lost in them

"Well I guess a few rounds won't hurt" she grins cheekily and a smirk makes its way on to the boys face and he flips them over

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now