Chapter 7

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"Okay everybody. Drum roll please" Courtney yelled, it over the microphone "tight race, you guys, but I think we have narrowed down our finalists"

Monty smirked over at his girlfriend who was dressed in her Harley Quinn outfit and he didn't waste any time giving a death glare to any boy who looked her way

"Were gonna choose the winner by applause" Courtney states and walks over to the first finalist "the costume with th most applause takes home 200 smackers so.... Mud divers" she yells and gestures to Zach, Alex and Bryce

The crowd cheered loudly then Justin and Jess started dancing together and the crowed cheered loudly. Montgomery grabbed his girlfriend but the waist and then placed his lips on hers and the crowd went insane as his hands trailed down her sides

"Okay okay okay. Ladies and gents, I think we have an obvious winner!l Courtney states and then points over to Montgomery and Ella "Ella and Montgomery as Harley Quinn and the joker"

"We did it baby" Ella smiled excitedly and kissed him on the cheek

The crowd ran in and surrounded the couple while the other contestants walked off the court

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight" Montgomery whispered into her ear as he looked down at her light blue dressed that hugged her perfectly

"You look pretty handsome your self" she laughed and kissed him on the cheek

"I'm going to go get us a drink I'll be right back okay princess" Monty said into her ear so she could hear him properly over the loud music

"Okay baby that's fine. I'm gonna go talk to Jeff while I wait, he's just over there okay" she replied and pointed over to Jeff who was talking to Zach Dempsey and another baseballer

"Come on babe seriously" he pouted

"Don't be a jealous baby, handsome. I'm just gonna say hi" she laughed and kisses him on the lips

"Fine. Just to say hi" he grumbles and then walks off to go and get their drinks

Ella made her way through the crowd of people and smiled politely at people as they complimented her

She finally made it over to Jeff, Zach and another boy named Coby

"Hey boys" she smiled widely and a humongous grin made its way onto both Jeff and Zachs face as they are joined by the girls company

"Hey Ella" Coby smiles politely

"Ellie belly it's so good to see you" Jeff smiles and pulls her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her tightly

"Alright alright my turn" Zach whines and Jeff hesitantly lets go of the girl and Zach takes his place

The girl was basically half the size of the basketballer so he had to lean down a lot but he didn't care how uncomfortable he was. He had her in his arms so he was happy "you look so beautiful tonight" he whispers to her

She smiles at the boy even though he couldn't see her due to his head being buried in her neck "thanks Zachy, your looking pretty handsome tonight too"

Ella notices a girl standing behind them glaring at her with her arms crossed and it didn't take much for Ella to guess that it was the girl that Zach had bought to the dance

"Yo Dempsey Jenny's giving me the death glare so you better get over there" Ella laughs and pulls away from the hug and looks over at the girl and then back down at Elle

"Alright Ellie, I'll see you later" he sighs sadly and waves to her before walking off with Jenny

Zach lead Jenny on the dance floor and a slow song came on and the girl grinned up at him and tried to dance with him but he didn't want to dance instead he just looked at her with a serious look on his face

"What's wrong with you" Jenny asked the boy "did that bitch say something about me"

Zach tried to stay calm but he was ready to snap as soon as those words had left her lips but he knew if he said anything she would probably start more drama

"Don't ignore me, what do you wanna dance with that little slut instead?" She asks and wraps her arms around his neck

Zach grabs her arms and takes them from around his neck and places them next to her roughly "Don't fucking talk about her that way. She isn't a fucking bitch and she definitely isn't a slut. Everything you're saying about her is describing you perfectly. And I saw the way you were looking at her and let me warn you now, if you ever look at her again. I'm gonna make your life a living hell"

She scoffed but shook in fear "you're completely pussy whipped"

Zachs face screws up in anger and he stormed off before he did something he would regret

"So Jeffy I heard you got clay to come tonight" Ella smiles at her friend as they look over at clay who was sitting by himself on the bleachers during homecoming

"Where's your boyfriend" Jeff whispers into her ear and takes a sip of his. Drink

"He's getting us a drink and I told him I wanted to talk to you for a minute" she smiles

"And he was okay with that" he asks in surprise

"Nope" she laughed and then begs;to drag the boy over towards clay and they sat dow;on both sides of him

"Hey Jeff hey Ella" clay smiled at them and then loooked down at the ground

"Go get her" Jeff stated

Montgomery watched them from a crossed the room and didn't like how close clay was to the girl. To his girl.

"Go get her and do what?" Clay asks in confusion

Ella rolls her eyes at the boy "dude. It's a fucking dance what do you think"

"Dance with her" Jeff said and shrugged his shoulders

"It's such a beautiful song" Ella smiled a she swayed slightly to the tune in the background and suddenly had a desperate need to have her boyfriends arms around her while the swung to the beat of the slow song

"I,can't" clay said cutting Ella out of her trance "you both know that I can't dance"

"Of course you. Can clay" she laughed and pat him on the shoulder

"Tonight you can" Jeff said, agreeing with the girl that was on the other side of clay "I promise"

Jeff and Ella both gave him a comforting pat on the back

"Come on" Ella said and grabbed him bye the hand and lead him down the stairs and then let go as he walked himself towards Hannah and they met in the middle of the dance floor

Jeff came up from behind Ella "you look so beautiful tonight"

Ella smiled at the boy "thanks Jeffry"

Jeff looked down at her with love and sadness. He knew that she would never love him the way he loved her but he was okay with that and he knew he would have to just live with having her as his best friend but nothing more even if it was killing him on the inside seeing her with Montgomery.

"You should go back to your boyfriend, he's been eyeing you ever since you came near me" Jeff mumbled into her ear and looked over at the boy who was glaring at him from across the room

"Okay, bye Jeff I'll see you late tonight" she smiled and began to walks over to her boyfriend

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now