Chapter 12 part 2

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"Hey babe what's going on" Montgomery asks and puts his arm around Ellas shoulder and pulls her closer to him while he death glares Zach but Zach stood over him intimidatingly

"What's up Dempsey. Is it normal for you too give gifts to girls who are dating one of their friends" Montgomery asks glares at Zach

"I don't know Monty is it normal for boyfriends to forget about Valentine's Day and not give anything to their girlfriend. Or how about giving bruises to them" Zach growls

Montgomery steps towards him and pushes Ella behind his body protectively "you don't know what your talking about Dempsey"

Zach steps forward and the two boys were standing right infront of each other face to face and Jeff comes up behind Ella and takes her in his arms protectively and pulls her back a bit

Montgomery throws the first fist and punches Zach in the face

"Wow Montgomery how manly. I'd rather you punch me than punch Ella" Zach says then punches Montgomery in the jaw and the two boys continue fighting while Jeff holds Ella back while she tries to split up the fight

"One day Montgomery. You can't go one day without fighting " Ella says as she continues to fix the wounds on his face from the fight "and you had to fight my best friend"

"Yeah well he is the one who was giving MY girlfriend gifts on Valentine's Day" Montgomery says angrily and stands up and begins to angrily pace around the room

"He was just being friendly. We've been best friends for years" Ella says quietly and tries to calm him down but he pushes her away harshly but she doesn't stop "Monty baby I love you okay. You can't get angry every time Zach, Justin or Jeff do something or get something for me. They are my best friends"

"Yeah well I'm your boyfriend" Montgomery yells at her and her eyes widen in fear and she steps back a little bit he didn't notice but the girl that had come over to talk to ella did. She was watching the whole thing and let out a large gasp as she watches Montgomery yell loudly at the girl

"IM YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND. NOT JEFF. NOT JUSTIN. AND DEFINITELY NOT ZACH FUCKING DEMPSEY. ME. IF YOU WANNA GO FUCK AROUND WITH OTHER GUYS BE MY FUCKING GUEST. I NEVER LOVED YOU ANYWAYS" Montgomery screams at her and pushes her away from him and she goes flying back and smashes into a wall harshly and wacks her head.

His eyes widened in shock and he ran over to her and she was blinking her eyes slowly as her vision went blurry. Hannah wanted to go in there and he'll the girl but she was scared. Scared that Montgomery would hurt her like he had just hurt his girlfriend

"Shit shit baby I'm so sorry. I love you I didn't mean it" Montgomery cried as he cradled her body in his arms and noticed the blood that was pooling on the floor from out of her head "don't close your eyes princess"

Montgomery shakily grabbed his phone and called an ambulance as tears ran down his face and he gently ran his fingers through her hair while she held onto him weakly as she continued to flash in and out of consciousness

"Baby  so sorry" he cried and she carefully placed her hand on his face and Hannah watched the pair in disbelief as she heard the sirens coming down the street and Hannah knew that Ella was in trouble as the next sentance left the girls lips

"It's okay Monty it was my fault" Ella mumbles then passes out and Montgomery cradled her body

Hannah has come back from her 'date' with Marcus and she wanted to talk to ella about it. Ella was basically Hannah's only friend and Hannah thought she could talk to ella about what happened but she got a shock when she arrived to the girls house

Ella stops thinking about that night. After all it was one of the worst nights of her life, well besides when she found out about Jeff's death. When she heard that Sherri was the one who did it she didn't want to believe it but she did and she hated Sherri but then Sherri told her about how Hannah was lying and Ella believed Sherri. Why would her best friend lie to her, Hannah was a good friend but Sherri was one of her best friends so she had to believe Sherri.

Ella closed her eyes tightly then opened them again and began to play with the bracelet that gripped her wrist and she smiled as she looked down at the charms on it she began to think about all her times with Zach. He was always there for her no matter what just lie Justin. The bond that the girl shared with those two boys was unbreakable and she would do anything for those two boys.

Ella was cut out of her thoughts by a tap at her window and she quickly got up and opened her blinds and saw Justin with puffy cheeks and red eyes and she quickly pulled the window open

"My dad isn't home" she mumbles quickly and grabs his bag that he has over his shoulder and then helped him in to her room.

Justin stood in the middle of the room and looked around. He had been in there at least a million times and it was still the same, there was still Star Wars bed sheets, movie and band posters on the wall and then above the bed there was pictures of her and her friends.

But most of the pictures had Jeff, Montgomery, Zach and Justin in them. He smiled slightly at an image of him and Ella when they were younger

"Can I sleep over? My mum and her boyfriend are fighting again" Justin asks quietly and Ella walks up to him in wraps his arms around him and one of her hands is around his waist and the other is at the back of his head and she pulled his head down and her buried it into her shoulder while she ran her fingers through his hair

"It's alright I'm here" she said and rubbed circles one his back comfortingly "you'll be alright no one can hurt you know okay"

He broke down into sobs and clutches at her body and she held him tightly in her arms

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm so weak" he chokes out and she bought him over to the bed and they both laid down and he laid his head on her chest and cried

"It's not bad to cry. In fact I think it makes you an even stronger person" Ella mumbles

"Don't let me go please. Don't leave me, promise me you won't leave me" He mumbles

"I promise"

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ