Chapter 10

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"Well complete sentences right?" Jeff asks

"Yeah totally" clay says

"I even used a semicolon" Jeff says proudly

"That's great Jeff" Ella smiles at her friend who was looking very happy with himself

"I saw that. Mad props" Clay says also proud with the boy and the fact that he had used a semi colon in the essay "I'm just saying. The paragraph structure is good. But it might need some fact checking"

Ella laughed at this and gave the Atkins boy a pat on the shoulder "my boy here just seems to have a thing for drugs doesn't he"

"Ella don't say that" Jeff whines and looks around to make sure that nobody had heard what the girl had said

"Calm down Jeffry I'm just kidding" she laughed even though she knew it wasn't rare for the boy to have a little bit of weed or molly every now and then

"Okay but seriously what's wrong with the facts" Jeff asks as he turns to face Clay "I googled everything"

"Well the founding fathers did grow and use hemp... but it wasn't weed exactly" Clay said

"wait those are different" Jeff asks

"Come on man I don't even use drugs and I know that those are different" Ella laughs

"Yeah but that is because your smart" Jeff says

"Yeah yeah so anyway what I'm saying is that James Madison probably wasn't a mad stoner" clay says and Ella let's out a snort of laughter that she tried to hold in "or uh at least not from the hemp"

"It's okay it wasn't that bad was it clay" Ella said and gave clay a stare that made him feel slightly intimidated

"Yeah yeah no it was a good start. I marked a few other facts that I think you should recheck and fix" clay says

"Jeff maybe it's beat we find some books or something for you to find your research. Sometimes books can be a little more reliable okay" Ella said and gave the boy a comforting smile and placed her hand on his shoulder "I'll help you find some good books"

Jeff smiles widely at her " okay alright that sounds good. I'll get right on it"

Ella helps Jeff with a math equation then looks up when she hears clay start to talk again

"He's really serious about the zine" clay says and Ella watches as Ryan walks out of the library

"Hes serious about the zine, his shoes and not much else" Tony replies and Ella turns around to give the boy a smile

"Tony hey. Sorry I didn't even notice you there. It's good to see you" Ella smiles widely and gives the boy a soft wave

Tony smiles back at the girl "it's good to see you too Ella, your busy don't even worry about it"

Clay let's out a large sigh which causes Jeff to look up "what are you working on" he asks

"Oh nothing. It's nothing"  Clay said and tries to hide the sheet of paper but the two people in front of him already new what it was

"Dollar valentine survey" Jeff asks and takes the paper away from the boy and begins to read the answers

"Wait. No. No. No. no. No. You really don't have too" Clay said and tried to take the piece of paper back from the athlete

"Dude relax. We got you Don't we Ella" Jeff says and smiles at the girl next to him and she nods her head

"Don't even worry about it clay" Ella smiles and then leans over Jeff's shoulder to read the paper too

Jeff's breathe hitches in his throat when he feels her breath on his neck and her body heat radiating of her from their closeness but he quickly tries to shove it aside.

"Ok. How do I spend my Saturday nights. You answered video games" Jeff states and clay looks down in embarrassment

"Favourite kind of music obscure indie bands" Ella says and smiles up at the boy "that's cool clay"

"Favourite reading materials fantasy and sci fi" Jeff asks in disapproval

"It's not bad. I think it's cool clay" Ella smiles

"Dude why not just say that you watch lord of the rings on repeat" Jeff asks and Ella scolds the boy for pushing his friend

"Alright I don't do that" clay says and Ella and Jeff both give him a knowing look "anymore"

"You used to do that" tony asks in shock

"We need to work on this man" Jeff says and Ella let's out a sigh and sits back in her seat and lifts her arms above her head and stretches while letting out a soft yawn

"Long night" Jeff asks

"Yeah. My dad was home" she mumbles and he instantly knew what she had meant. He was her best friend and knew everything about her and she knew everything about him. It wasn't rare for the girl to sleep at the Atkins house whenever her dad was home. Jeff's family lived her and so did Jeff. Montgomery didn't know about it and they decided that was best. They usually just slept on the couches down stairs and watched tv

"No we don't" clay states and shrugs back into his seat

"Yeah we do" Jeff laughed "listen dude I needed a c average or above to play baseball. U.S history was kicking my ass. And I got help right? What about you dude. How is your dating life. C average or above"

"Oh my god guys are weird" Ella mumbles

"Below" clay replies to Jeff's question

"So you need help" Jeff states

"Mans got a point" Tony says agreeing with Jeff and clay looks over at Ella for help but she just shrugs her shoulders

"All of these answers suck man" Jeff states

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