Ellas tape p6

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Ella walked through the school with her head held high. Everyone was shocked to see her pass both Zach and Montgomery without saying anything to them and when both boys went after her she ignored them.

Ella opens her locker and grabs her books and then jumps a little when she shuts her locker and sees clay standing next to her

"Shit clay. You scared the hell out of me" Ella says

"Why did you do it?" Clay asks angrily and Ella looks at the boy in confusion

"You finished my tape?" Ella asks quietly and the boy shakes his head

"No not yet. Why did you do it. Why would you talk to Courtney about Hannah behind her back" Clay asks angrily

"Hannah only heard a tiny bit of a very big conversation. She didn't hear what was said before or after that" Ella says and clay looks confused So Ella continues "Hannah came into the middle of a conversation. I wasn't on Courtney's side. I was defending Hannah and I tried to explain that to her on the night before she killer herself and it didn't go well"

"You were defending her against Courtney?" Clay asks I'm confusion

"Of course I fucking was clay. She was my best friend" Ella says angrily "and since when do I let people get away with shit talking or hurting my best friends"

"The bruise on Courtney's face the next day..." clay says and realised what was happening

"I punched her" Ella says "she was a shit talking bitch who was getting on my nerves so that's what I did to defend my friends"

"So Ella how's your friend Hannah going" Courtney asks Ella as Ella pulls her cheer shirt over her head

Ella glares over at Courtney "she's going good you know. Besides the fact that someone was spreading a photo of two girls around kissing and saying that it was Hannah"

"Yeah I heard about that it was ages ago though. What a shame" Courtney says with fake sadness

"Cut the shit Courtney I know it was you and Hannah and I know which one of you was into it a lot more that the other. If you hadn't of been a bitch about it Hannah's life would be so much better right now. You could have been he friend" Ella growls "stay the fuck away from Hannah and stay the fuck away from my boyfriend"

"You know I really enjoyed that dance with Montgomery. The way has arms gripped my hips and his warm breath blew on my neck" Courtney says with a grin

"I'm going to kill you" Ella snarled "and I'm going to enjoy it. Besides it happened ages ago"

"Aww look at poor little innocent Ella getting mad and threatening people. She must get it from her dad" Courtney says with a pour and Ellas eyes widen in shock

"What the fuck are you talking about" Ella asks angrily

"Oh I know all about it. I've seen the way he treats you. I wonder what Monty would think if he knew what the worst thing your dad has done to you is" Courtney grins as fear covers Ellas face

"Shut up Courtney" Ella says angrily

"keep my secret and then I'll keep yours" Courtney says with a smile and they hear someone push the doors to the locker room open so Courtney lets out a fake laugh so whoever had entered didn't know about Courtney just blackmailing Ella

"God Hannah is such a bitch. She tried to put the blame of those two girls kissing on me" Courtney laughs and Ella looks down and begins to fiddle with her fingers

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