Chapter 35

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"Alex sit down" Jess commands the bleach haired boy and Ellas eyes linger on Justin in worry and he noticed but doesn't say anything to her he just sat with his jaw clenched as he watched Jess and Bryce

"No I'm good. I hate poker" Alex replies and stands behind them awkwardly

"No you have to play. Everybody is playing, come on sit down" Jess grins and stands up and walks to Alex before pushing him down into the seat she was just sitting on and then she sat down on bryces lap and everyone looked at her in shock while she just grinned

"Jess what the fuck" Justin says and Bryce laughs while Ella flares at the girl angrily And stands up

"Why don't you sit in my seat next to your boyfriend" Ella growls and Jess rolls her eyes and laughs

"I'm pretty comfortable here. Let's play the game" Jess grins but Ella doesn't back down

"Jess come on seriously, move it isn't funny" Ella says and Zach grabs her hand and pulls her down but Ella snatched her hand away "Don't Zach. Jess stop it"

"Sorry mum" Jess laughs and then turns to Justin "your deal"

"I don't want to fucking play cards right now" Justin says angrily

Jess throws a card at Justin angrily and says "I said your deal"

"Jess" Zach and Ella yell angrily

"Shit" Bryce laughs and Ella finally new what was happening. Hannah didn't lie in the tapes. Bryce tapes Jessica and Justin let it happen, it all started to make sense to her and her lip began to tremble. If Hannah wasn't lying about Bryce than she probably wasn't lying about Sheri nocking over the stop sign and suddenly she couldn't look at her friends in the same way anymore. They would have known. Ella sat down in her seat with a blank expression on her face and she felt her whole world crushing down around her all over again

"Ella there is some people here to see you" the nurse says quietly to the girl who was starring out of the hospital window with absolutely no emotion on her face as she sat up in her bed

"She's been like this ever since she woke up. She won't talk or even look at anyone" the nurse sighs as she tells everyone and they worriedly nod their heads and walk into the girls room and sit in chairs around her

In the room was Montgomery, Justin, Zach, Bryce and a few other of her friends and she didn't move an inch as they walked in

All of the boys had puffy eyes and red cheeks with tear stains running down it and Montgomery gripped onto her hand tightly and didn't want to cry infront of everyone so he just buried his head deep into her stomach and she finally moved and looked down at him but said nothing and just starred at the boy as his broken sobs echoed through the room. It was the first time the boys had seen him cry and they didn't know he was capable of it. But they knew how much he truely loved this girl, his girl.

Ellas eyes were void and full of no emotion as she just stared down at the boy. She couldn't help it. She was broken, she had lost one of her soulmates and even Montgomery wouldn't be able to fix her no matter how hard he tried.

"Please just talk to me baby. Please" Montgomery says and looks up into her eyes and the other boys tried not to cry and Zach got up and stumbled out of the hospital with tears pouring down his cheeks. He couldn't see her like that, in so much pain. Her body covered in bandages and her mind full of nothing but grief. He wanted to be there for her but he couldn't bring himself to it but he knew he had to be strong so he made his way back into the girls hospital room and Montgomery was angrily storming around the room tugging at his hair anxiously with tears running down his face and Ella was just looking down at her fingers

"Fuck it. Let's go" Justin says angrily and gets out of the chair and storms toward the door but when he noticed Jess wasn't following him he went back and grabbed her arm and yanked her out of bryces lap "Jess come on I said let's go" Justin growls

She lets out a little squeal then yells "what the fuck Justin" as he pulls her out of the door and everyone stands up quickly to go follow them. While Ella was in a daze but Zach quickly pulled her out

Bryce leads them and they hear Jess yelling so Bryce decides to say "buddy calm down"

"Stay the fuck away from her. And stay away from Ella too" Justin growls as he shakes

Ella doesn't say anything, her mind still blank but Jess yells "what the fuck is your problem Justin"

"Guys this does not need to happen" Zach says and steps forward

"No you know what maybe it does" Alex says And also steps toward them while Ella, Montgomery and the others stay back. Montgomery has his arms around the girl gently swinging her side to side as he watched the scene in front of them

"What the fuck are you doing here? What are you doing here with him?" Justin says in sadness as well as anger as he looks at his girlfriend

"We're just having fun" Jess replies and Ella could tell how broken the two of them were. They were just like she was. Broken and probably never to be fixed. They could hide it all they wanted and they may feel like their getting better but deep down they are still broken

"Why the fuck are you here with Bryce" Justin asks again

"Why do you care" Jess asks "tell me"

"Tell her Justin" Alex says

"Alex" Zach scolds

"Come on" Justin says and tries to pull Jess away again

"No tell me why you care" Jess pleads and Ella goes to comfort both of them but she couldn't move her feet

"Let's go" Justin pleads

"Tell me why you fucking care!" Jess yells angrily

"Because he fucking raped you" Justin yells angrily and Jess and him don't say anything as they stare at each other

"Justin brother" Bryce says and steps toward them but Justin angrily pushes him back

"I'm not your fucking brother" Justin yells and points to Ella "the only person who I see as my sibling is that girl right there" 

Zach gets between Bryce and Justin as they push each other back and forth

"I should fucking kill you you son of a bitch" justin growls and the other jocks step in and grab Justin while Montgomery let's go of Ella and holds back Bryce. Ella looked at Montgomery In shock, how could he defend a rapist? What if it was her that got raped? Would he care?

Justin struggles in the boys grip and continues to tell them to let him go while Bryce calmly tells Monty to let him go

Once both of the boys were released Jess walks up to Justin with tears in her eyes

"I fucking hate you" she cries and sends a slap right to his face and Ella couldn't blame her. He was her boyfriend and he should have protected her. Jess walks off and all Justin could do was stare at Ella as she looked at him in sadness and disappointment

Bryce walks up to Justin and asks "what the fuck did you just do?" And then walks off into his house silently while everyone just stared at Justin

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now