Chapter 47

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"Look Justin, you cant tesity if you are high as the fucking clouds you dumbass" Ella scolds him like an older sister, even if he was the older one

"Jesus, what happened to you? do you really think that Jessica will want to see you like this? Do you think that Ella wants to see you like this?" Clay says and walks over to him and has a judging look on his face as he stares down at the boy who looked like he had just been to hell and back, his skin dirty and his hair unclean and messed up.

Justin silently shakes his head and looked up to meet ella in the eyes and he noticed that she had a disproving yet sympathetic look on her face and she had her arms crossed around her body as she turned from side to side and yet kept eye contact with the boy as he finally says "no"

Clay lets out an annoyed sigh "shit. i cant miss school" Clay says and shakes his head as he tries to figure out what he could do for Justin 

Ella lets out a long sigh before breaking eye contact with Justin and she turns to look at clay "Just go okay, i got this, ill text you every hour. He'll be fine with me watching him don't even worry about it"

"Wont Montgomery or Scott be worried about where you are?" Clay asks in confusion as he looks at the girl and he was also worried for her well being, he didn't want Montgomery getting mad with the girl and he definitely didn't want to be the reason for it

"Ill call them as soon as you leave, don't worry i wont tell them where i am, ill just make up an excuse, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you don't really want anyone knowing that Justin is back. ill tell them i am just helping a friend with something, it isn't lying, it just isn't telling the whole truth" Ella tells him with a small smile and gives him a nod ti show him that she was sure aboutwhat she was about to do. even though she was mad at Justin, she couldn't just not help him when he needed it. he had always helped her and she had always helped him and that wasn't going to stop now

"i think, i think that i might have eaten to much breakfast" Justin mumbles out and then he vomits all over clays bed spread and ella lets out a snigger at the look on Clays face

"Oh fuck Justin. that's my bed" Clay says in annoyance and then runs over to him while ella looks away so that she wouldn't be sick

"Oh my god, that's fucking disgusting" Ella gags and looks away

"I thought that you would have been used to seeing people vomit considering basically all of the people you hang out with like to drink" Clay says and glares over at her

"that doesn't make it anymore pleasant" Ella replies sharply "Just go, ill clean it up"

Clay quickly thanks her before running out of his room and leaving to go to school

"Ella I'm re-" Justin says but she cuts him off

"look Justin, i gotta call Monty okay" She says and doesn't look over at the boy and she pulls her phone out of her back pocket of her jeans and scroll through her contacts and clicks on Montgomery name and she puts it up to her ear

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now