Chapter 15

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Clay begins to walk of the court and Ella tries to calm herself down and Sherri hands Ella to Jessica and then walks over to clay

"Clay are you okay" Sherri asks him and he looks over at Ella with no emotion and then back over at Sherri

"Do you even care" Clay asks and then walks away from them and then walks over to ella

"You and your friends aren't going to get away with this" clay says to ella and Ella rips herself out of Jessica's grip and steadies her breathing

"If anything happens to Justin or Zach. I swear to god" Ella grumbles

"What are you gonna do. Kill me? Or make me kill myself? I don't know why Jeff liked you so much. Your a murderer" Clay growled and Zach walked up to I'm angrily

"Watch your mouth Jensen" Zach growls and holds the girl behind him protectively

"Zach it's fine don't worry about it. I started it anyway" Ella says "go finish the game"

Clay goes to sit down at the bleachers and Zach goes back onto the court hesitantly

"Miss Emblen are you ready to continue to cheer" the coach asks and Ella nods her head

"Totally didn't just have a panic attack or anything" Ella whispers to herself sarcastically before walking back to the cheer leaders and begins to cheer again

The basketball flies up into the stand and clay catches it just in time and everyone looks over at him

"Jensen come on. Throw the damn ball" Zach calls out to him and clay doesn't move and the crowd begins to yell at him and then clay throws the ball at Zach as hard he could and Zach ducks just before it hits him

"Jensen. Clay what the hell" Justin yells

"You boys got practise after school today" Ella asks as she draws pictures on the back page of her book and Zach just sat there doing nothing and Justin was chewing on the end of his pen while the three 'listened' to what the teacher was saying

"Yeah than were all going to hang out at bryces house for a few beers" Justin says while leaning back in his chair

The bell rings and the three best friends grinned excitedly due to the fact that the period was over and they all got out of their seats

"Hey Hannah can I talk to you for a second please" Ella asks quietly as she nods to the boys to say that she would catch up to them

"Umm yeah sure I guess" Hannah says

"Look Hannah I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I just got mad when I saw how sad Zach was but I should have just helped him straight away instead of yelling at you. But I just wanted to say, about Montgomery. He isn't abusive okay" Ella says

"Don't worry about yelling at me I forgot about it already" Hannah lies and puts a small smile on her face. She really did like Ella  it she was shocked when the girl had yelled at her "and it wasn't my place to say anything about Montgomery"

"So were good again, I really miss hanging with ya around the halls and I was beating myself up about what I said to you" Ella sighs

"Yeah same" Hannah smiles "well I have to go but it was good to see you again"

"Okay bye Hannah" Ella smiles and waves to her and then walks out of the classroom and then walks over to her locker and saw Montgomery waiting there for her

"Hey princess" Montgomery smiles and when she begins to unlock her locker he sticks a white flower in her hair just above her right ear and her cheeks went a deep red and she faced him and placed a kiss on his lips and when she went to pull away he grabbed the girl and pulled her closer to him and pulled her lips back to hers and the two began to make out but stopped when someone cleared their throats and laughed and they heard Bryce laughing at them

"Get a fucking room" Bryce laughs

Ella throws her hands up in the air excitedly as Zach gets another 4 points for the team

"Woooo" Zach yells and winks over at Ella and the crowd begins to cheer loudly

"Zach Zach Zach Zach Zach" the crowd continues to cheer

"Stop stop It. Stop the game. Stop playing. Stop. Stop the game. Stop playing" Clay begins yelling loudly and runs out onto the court and everyone looks at him in shock and annoyance as well as worry

All of the basketballers stopped playing and stood still in the middle of the court and just stared at clay

Everyone begins whispering about him and then clay runs out of the doors of the gym with distress write clearly written all over his face and the chatter continued even after the boy had left the gym

"What was that all about" a cheerleader next to ella asks and Ella shrugs her shoulders as if she didn't know and then makes eye contact with Zach and then Justin and all three of them had knowing looks on their faces as well as worry

"Okay let's finish the game" The referee calls out and the game continued and Ella heard Montgomery call out to her from behind her

"Hey babe can I talk to you for a sec" Montgomery asks and she smiles and nods her head before making her way towards Montgomery and he leads her out into the hallway

"What's wrong babe you look upset" Ella asks in worry and places her hand on Montgomery's face and rubs it gently with her thumb "I haven't seen you in three days"

"My dad was pissed over the suspension. Wouldn't let me leave the house, had to lock myself in my room and Estella bought me food" Montgomery states "I was gonna leave out the window to come see you but I figured if my old man decided to break my door down and I wasn't there he'd be even more pissed and go after Estella"

"This shouldn't be happening to you. You don't deserve this" she said as tears clouded her vision and she held the boys face in her hands delicately

"No no don't cry princess alright. Everything's fine" Montgomery said and leant forward and kisses her tears away "nobody is worth your tears"

"You are. Your worth everything I have" Ella states "everything I am"

Ella grabbed the boys hand in hers "let's get out of here. My dads home at the moment so let's camp out in the back of your truck okay we can quickly drive to my house I'll climb up to my window and grab us some blankets and pillows then we'll put them in the back of your truck and watch the stars okay"

"Okay baby" Monty mumbles and kisses her on the lips quickly and leads her to her car and opens and shuts her door for her then gets it the drivers side and begins driving and Ella pulls out her phone and messages Zach and Justin

To lil Z: Hey Zachy sorry I had to leave, Monty needed my help with something. Great job at the game tonight. Shit man you were great. See you tomorrow, love you Zachy

To J: Hey J I had to leave early, Monty needed my help with something. See ya tomorrow, good job at the game tonight and don't stress to much about Jess and everything alright. We're gonna take care of it. Well get through this together like we always do

"Who you messaging" Montgomery asks and Keeps his eyes on the road. He wasn't going to do anything dangerous while she was in the car

"Just telling the boys they did good tonight" Ella says and Montgomery places his hand on her thigh and smiles at her quickly and then turns back to the road and she places her hand on his and then intertwined them

"I love you. So fucking much" Montgomery says

"I love you too Monty" Ella smiles

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now