Chapter 11

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"Okay so this emergency meeting of the honour board is called to order" Marcus states as he walks in the door and sits down at the table in front of the girl and two boys "Marcus cole presiding. Courtney crimson recording secretary. All members present. Petitioners please state your names"

Nobody says anything and Marcus looks up at them due to the silence in the room "that's you guys"

"Montgomery De La Cruz"

"Alex Standall"

"Ella Emblen"

"Remind me why I'm here again" Ella says "you guys do realise that I didn't actually do anything right"

"You're here to keep Montgomery in check" Courtney states and Ella rolls her eyes and laughs

"I'm not his fucking puppet master, he's a person he knows how to control himself Courtney" Ella said and glares at the girl

"Okay that's not why you're here. You're here because you got in the middle of the fight" Marcus stated as he tried to make a better excuse as to why the girl was there but everybody knew that what Courtney said was the actual reason that they were keeping th girl there

"Wow because that it definitely a better excuse isn't it Einstein" Ella said to Marcus and leaned back into her chair and Montgomery rubbed circles on her hand with his thumb

"So Montgomery this case seems pretty straight forward" Marcus states "you were the one driving"

"So" Montgomery asks harshly

"So the pedestrian has the right of way" Marcus states

"That is the law" Courtney says to back up what Marcus said

Ella and Montgomery scoff while Alex looks down

"And you were walking when he almost hit you" Marcus asks alex

"No he was fucking flying" Ella says sarcastically and clay looked at he in confusion. She never acted like this and then he noticed bruises on her neck that looked like finger prints and she had obviously tried to cover them with makeup. She was also wearing a lot more makeup on her face then usual and clay looked closely and one of her eyes was swollen and had a lot more makeup on it than the other.

It was then clear to him that she had been beaten up and he was quick to assume that it was Montgomery.

"Yes I was walking" Alex said and then flared over at the girl who had her hand intertwined with the guy that had just beat the shit out of him "it wasn't just me. Heroji Pratt, Jin-seo Yooo, Chase Parker. I don't know. They were all there"

"You're the one who acted like a ducking psycho and was calling my girlfriend shit" Montgomery said angrily and rolled his eyes

"Hey watch your language" Mr Porter says angrily and eyes the boy And Montgomery puts his arms up in surrender

"And you were reckless driving. You could have killed somebody. It's our jobs to protect the children of this school" Marcus says and Ella and Alex both scoff

"Yeah cause you're doing a real good job at that" Ella scoffs

"To protect the students at this school" Alex asks

"Yes Ella and alex. That what the honour board is for. To settle disputes among students. So they don't spill out into the hallways" Marcus replies and tries to stay calm, worried that either of them could spill some secrets about the recent suicide

"Yeah the honour board cause your all just so honourable" Alex said

"You guys should be proud of yourselves. Solving all the problems in this school, you know cause nothing bad has happened Recently cause you know you guys are keeping the students here safe" Ella says sarcastically and leans into Montgomery angrily

"Alex this happend off campus so the alternative is the police" Porter says

"Okay great lets make the call then" Alex says

"No one needs to make a call" Courtney says and glares over at Ella and Alex "there's no crime we can deal with it here"

"What do anyone can get away with anything at this fucking school and no one gives a shit" Alex asks angrily

"Shut up alex" Ella says angrily

"Language Alex please" the counciler asks

"We are just saying that it is no ones fault" Courtney states "okay it just happened"

"No it didn't just happen" Montgomery says angrily "I mean maybe I was driving a little to fast. But Alex lost his shit"

"Yeah see I lost my shit. It was my fault. I said something about Ella and I knew that I was looking for a fight as soon as I said something about her. Everyone knows that" Alex says "I lost my shot it's my fault"

"God dammit language" Porter yells and Ella smirks over at him "watch your language"

"Last time I checked god dammit isn't exactly the right language to be using either" Ella says and raider her eyebrows at Mr Porter with a wide smile on her face that intimidated him

"I'm taking some fucking responsibility" Alex says and clay looks up at him "since you guys can't"

Ella glares over at Courtney and Courtney felt like a small ant compared to her as Ella stared at her and Courtney finally spoke up and stared carefully at the girl as the words left her mouth "if Alex says it's his fault then it is his fault" Ella smiles sweetly at Courtney And Courtney shivered under her gaze

"It doesn't matter what Alex says" Marcus states

"But it was his fault" Montgomery yells

"No it was your fault" Marcus says

"Well since your meant to be protecting the kids at this school then it was your fucking fault" Ella said to Marcus

"Maybe it's all your faults" Clay says and looks at them all as they stare at him in shock "did that ever occur to any of you"

They knew he was referring to Hannah but nobody said anything for a few seconds and then the honour board talked among themselves for a few minutes

"Okay so Montgomery it is the decision of the honour board that you are to be suspended from liberty high school for three consecutive school days starting tomorrow" Marcus says

"That's fucking bullshit" Ella and Montgomery both say angrily

"That is fucking bullshit" Alex says

"Alright that is enough or all three of you are gone" Porter says angrily and Ella stands up

"Whatever" she says and begins to walk out but Montgomery grabs her hand

"Hey baby girl don't worry about it okay. Don't get in trouble for me it's only three days" Montgomery says and kisses her quickly and then walks out of the room

Ella stares over at Courtney and Marcus "turning against your friend, I'd love to say that that's a new move for the two of you but..." Ella says and then grabs her bag and storms out into the hallway

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ