Untitled Part 51

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She struggled to keep the tears in as she felt all of the arms wrap around her comfortingly

"You did great beautiful, now lets get out of here" Montgomery whispers into her ear and then places a kiss on the top of her forehead.

She nods her head and they all make their way out of the courtroom and out into the carpark. She got in the passenger seat of Montgomerys truck and Scott and Zach got in the back while Montgomery hopped in the front, the other boys going off into their own cars

"So where too?" Scott asks as he leans forward and sends the girl his award winning smile "ice cream for the lady in the front and a few beers for the gents"

"I need something stronger than ice cream, i need to get wasted man" Ella groans and the three boys looked at her in complete shock and surprise, she never got drunk, infact she didn't like to drink full stop.

"Whatever you want princess, you know ill get it for you" Montgomery said and grabbed onto her hand and placed their interlocked hands on her thigh as he turned on the car and started to drive out of the carpark and down the road.

Ella quickly turned to her boyfriend and stuck her bottom lip out "but could we get ice cream on the way" he turned to her with a grin and a soft chuckle came out of his lips, this was his girl. And he didn't know what he did to get her or why she chose him, but he thanked god for her every night, and even though she was changing. She was still the same Ella that he had always known

"Chocolate Chip?" He asked with a grin and pulled her hand up towards his lips and placed a soft kiss on the outside of her hand before resting it back down in her lap

"You know me so well" She grins 

"Youre a big softie arent ya? Ella i don't know how you do it but when you're around, i swear montys is a fucking saint or some shit" Scott laughs

"Shut up Reed" Montgomery grumbled as his cheeks went a deep red

Ella let go of his hand and reached up to his face and pinched his cheek "oh look Scotty, my baby monty is blushing" she said in a baby voice and he quickly swatted her hand away as Scott laughed, but as the two boys in the backseat watched the affection between the couples they couldn't help but think the same thing as the girl

I need to get wasted

"Stop being so fucking disgusting" Ella laughed as she leaned into her boyfriend and watched as one of the boys across from her spat an apple seed at Bryce.

Ella was squished between scott and Montgomery as Chloe, bryce and a boy named Kelce sat across from her.

"I heard how you went in court yesterday, must have been real tuff with them hammering all of those questions at you and bringing up all those memories with Hannah Baker. I cant believe the crazy bitch wrote so much shit about you and Monty in some fucking Diary man. Its complete bullshit" Bryce said with a laugh

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now