Chapter 30

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Jeff grabs Ellas hand to help guide her through the sea of people that were drunk of their asses partying inside

"Yo Sherri. Your blocking me in. I've got to go for provisions" Jeff calls out as they spot Sherri dancing with some of their friends

"Oh shit. Okay I'll be right out. I've got to get home anyways" Sherri smiles

"Sorry. I don't want to make you leave" Jeff says and leans his head against the wall

"No no no no. I'm staying at my dads which comes with a curfew so I'll get my keys and I'll be right out" Sherry replies

"Thank you ma'am" Jeff replies

"Thanks sher" Ella grins and Jeff and Ella make their way back outside again

Sherri finally moves her car and Jeff and Ella get in Jeff's car And Ella puts the radio on lowly and Ella slowly bobbed her head to the music

"So how's shit going with your dad Ellie belly" Jeff asks quietly "you know. I talked to my parents about it and they said that they would be fine with you moving in with us"

Jeff makes sure to keep his eyes on the road as he speaks to her due. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something happend to her

"I would love that but I couldn't just dump myself on your parents like that and besides I've gotta look after my dad" Ella mumbles

"You know that my parents love you and it's impossible for you to ever be a burden Ella you know that. And your dad is meant to be looking after you not the other way around" Jeff sighs

"Can we talk about this tomorrow please. I'm too tired to talk about it right now" Ella mumbles and Jeff smiles softly

"Of course Ellie belly" Jeff grins and then continues talking "you know I don't know what I would do without you in my life. Your my soulmate"

"God your so cheesy" Ella laughs which causes the boy to grin widely

"I know but it's true. Your my soulmate. I would die without you" Jeff replies

"Don't talk about dieing Jeff. I don't want to think about a life without you" Ella mumbles "we've still got the rest of our lives to live together"

"Of course Ellie belly. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon I promise. I still have to look after you" Jeff grins cheekily and Ella scoffs

"I don't need you to look out for me. I am an independent woman" Ella grins

"Woman?" Jeff asks sarcastically in a joking tone "are you sure?"

"Yes Karen I'm sure" Ella grins and he puts one of his hands to his heart in mock hurt

"I am not a Karen" Jeff says in a girly voice

"Yeah you are... Karen" Ella grins and they fianllly make it to the beer shop and Jeff gets out of the car and then quickly runs to the other side to open the door for the girl which she grins at

They walk into the shop and purchase the alcohol and place it on the floor of the passenger seat and then get back into the car

They drive off but this time it was in complete silence but it was a comfortable silence

"Jeff look out!" Ella yells quickly when she sees a car speeding toward them.

Ella tried to pull Jeff away from his side but he was to focused on protecting the girls with his body

BANG and everything went dark

Ellas ears were ringing and she felt a warm liquid covering her head. Her vision is blurry as she tries to open her eyes. She couldn't move. It were as if she were standing outside of her own Body and watching everything happen. But she was in her body and she was right next to Jeff who had blood all over his face and his breathing was light

"Jeff Jeff hey no. Don't stop breathing please. Oh god JEFF! H-hold on, t-t-they're coming alright" Ella cries loudly "please. Please please wake up I can't do this without you"

Jeff's eyes open slightly and he brushes ellas hair behind her ear softly and cups her face in his hand and smiles at her "please don't cry"

"Jeff don't leave me. I need you. Please your all I need. Your my soulmate remember? You can't leave me" Ella chokes out and her just smiles softly

"I'm never gonna leave you Ellie belly. I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. Your my world Ellie. You're everything to me okay" Jeff whispers

"Stop talking your gonna waste your breathe they're almost here okay" Ella cries into his shirt

"Ellie... just remember I love you okay. You deserve everything grand in life and don't let anyone make you think differently. I'm always going to be by your side okay. Every step of the way. I'm going to be with you" Jeff mumbles and then his arm went limp and dropped from her face

"Jeff?" Ella cries and begins to shake him softly with tears pouring down her face "this isn't funny Jeffrey. Come on wake up. Please wake up"

Ella buries her head in his chest and cried the hardest she had ever cried before and Jeff watched the girl cling to his body as he stood beside the car and all he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms and tell her how everything was going to be okay. But he couldn't, she couldn't see him. And seeing her in pain was more painful to him than anything else he had ever experienced before in his short but happy life.

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin