Chapter 13

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"I'm sick of it you know. Just because I don't have her skinny ass body doesn't mean I'm fat" Kara cries in the communications classroom and Sherri goes up to comfort the girl while Ella looks over at her in Pity but then goes back to drawing on the desk with Zach while he had his arm swing around the back of her chair and Justin sat on the other side of her leaning next to her and watching the two graffiti on the desk and write their initials hard to engrave it and then Justin does the same

"Maybe she should try a diet" Pratters says

"Shut up asshole" Ella says and kicks him under the table

"Seriously Pratters. Jesus" Hannah says and turns towards the boy with a scowl on her face

"I'm just saying alright. If you are getting fat shamed. Then you know... don't be fat" Pratters states

"Well everyone calls you a dick head. Maybe you should stop being a dick head" Ella mumbles and Zach laughs at the girls statement

"Mr Pratters. Miss Emblen" the teachers says and looks over at the two kids

"Ellaa right. Pratters that's like someone saying to you don't be an idiot and a dickward. Can't help it" Zach says

"I can't help it" Pratters said

"Exactly" Zach and Ella say then give each other a fist pump

"Ooh" they both say and clash fists while Justin laughs next to them as well as most of the rest of the class

"Thank you" Pratters says as if the two were on his side

"Totally not on your side bro" Zach says

"Oh my god" Ella sighs at his stupidity

Hannah looks over at Zach and Ella and chuckles and Ella smiles at her but Zach was to busy staring at the girl with a soft smile on his face as she laughed to even notice Hannah looking at him

"Alright people remember the compliment bags" The teacher calls out as the bell rings and they pack up their stuff for their next class "um it's always better to give a compliment face to face but sometimes it's easier to be anonymous. Alright see you tomorrow"

"Bye el bye Zach I'll see you guys later" Justin said when he notices the pair sticking behind and walking over to the compliments bags and Hannah also walks over there

"Oh hey Hannah" Ella says with a smile

"How's the back of your head" Hannah asks and Ella frowns a bit. It had been a few weeks since she got out of hospital after Montgomery had shoved her and she had told everyone she had just tripped and Ella didn't know that Hannah knew the real reason she had hit her head

"Oh it's good. I've gotta learn to stop being so clumsy" Ella laughs and Hannah frowns at her

"Or you need to get a better boyfriend" Hannah says to the girl quietly so only she could hear

"What" Ella asks in shock "I don't know what your talking about" she lies and Zach could tell something was up with the two girls but he stayed back and tried to mind his own business while he waited for Ella

"Come on Ella I saw the two of you. He pushes you. Why won't you tell anyone" Hannah says

"You're wrong Hannah. You don't know what your talking about okay. I tripped over and hit my head. That is it" Ella says and tries to walk away but Hannah grabs her wrist and that's when Zach decides to step in and gently pull ellas arm out of Hannah's grip

"And Zach was the whole cause Of the argument. He's the reason Montgomery hurt you and your still hanging out with him. I guess you are clumsy aren't you" Hannah says and Ella tries to ignore her

"What is she talking about Ella. Montgomery hirt you?" Zach asks angrily

"No Zach it's nothing. She doesn't know what she is taking about alright let's just go" Ella says and pulls Zach out of the classroom

Ella was sitting down at the tables in the caffateria next to Montgomery but she was basically sitting on his lap and he had his arm around her tightly and they ate their food with some of their friends

"Yooo" Zach calls as he walks into the cafeteria and Ella grins widely at the sound of her best friends voice

"Hey Zach" Ella calls out

"Yo big Z" another jock calls out and Zach sits down next to ella and gives her a smile which she returns then turns toward her boyfriend and he grins down at her

"You look absolutely beautiful" Montgomery whispers and kisses the side of her head and then brushes her hair behind her ear and the group continue talking about random things and then Ella makes eye contact with Clay from across the hall and she gives him a soft smile which he doesn't return

"Thanks Monty" Ella mumbles and intertwined their fingers together and lays her head on his shoulder and begins to play with the ring on his hand oblivious to the loving smile that both Montgomery and Zach were giving her

"I can't get my strength" Marcus says and then places a box full of pins with his face on it on the table in front of them

"Ella I really need to talk to you about something" Zach says to the girl next to him quietly and she nods her head with a smile and Zach pulls her away from the group a little bit. This was it. I'm he was going to tell her how he felt about her. Montgomery had just gotten suspended again so he figured now was his chance

"What's up Zachy" Ella smiles widely

"I really really like someone and I have been waiting for ages to tell them and I think I'm ready to tell them now" Zach says and tries to keep himself calm but in the inside he was about to explode and run away from the girl

"That's great Zach" Ella smiles widely

"Okay Ella I really like y..." Zach starts but Ella cuts him off thinking that she already knew what he was going to say

"I'm pretty sure Hannah likes you Tik so she should say yes" Ella smiles widely and zachs eyes widen in shock and confusion. He wanted Ella not Hannah.

"Look she's looking at you right now. You should go and ask her. We aren't really on great terms at the moment so I don't think I should go with you but I'll wait right here for you to come back. Good luck" Ella says excitedly and Zach sighs all hope of asking Ella out had disappeared. He knew she loved Montgomery and their was nothing that he could do about it

"Yeah Hannah right. Hannah is the one I wanted to ask" Zach mumbles and then walks over to Hannah

Ella watched as Zach went over to Hannah and started talking to her and Hannah looked surprised that he was talking to her

Everything looked fine at first but Ella couldn't tell where the coversation was going as it progressed but when Hannah yelled at Zach she couldn't control the anger she felt at the hurt look on zachs face so she stormed over to the table Hannah was sitting at as Zach wakes out of the doors to the cafeteria

"You know what Hannah. This shit that happens to you. I think that you being some of it into yourself. Zach was just trying to be nice. He's a lot better than most boys at this school and he actually likes you so why did you have to yell at him" Ella says angrily

"Oh is that what you think. Thanks for the insight genius. But before you start lecturing me on my life decisions maybe you should keep your two cents and take your own advice" Hannah says angrily

"Hannah seriously enough about that shit. And don't take out your problems with me on Zach. He did nothing wrong" Ella said

"Why don't you learn to keep your boyfriends on a leash" Hannah says

"Fuck you" Ella growls and then runs out of the cafeteria to go and find Zach

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now