Chapter 7 part 2

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Ella made her way through the crowd and spotted Hannah

"Hannah Hannah hey" she called out over the music and Hannah baker finally looked over towards the girl with a big smile on her face "hey Hannah, did you come here with someone"

"Yeah I came her with Courtney" she said but then quickly added "and her friends"

Ella instantly lost her smile "look Hannah, I don't want to be a bitch and talk about people behind their backs but Courtney isn't someone a sweet girl like you should be hanging out with. I'm only saying this because I had to go through it too. She's just really not a nice person, I'm not saying you can't hang out with her I'm just saying that I wouldn't recommend it"

Hannah looked at the girl in confusion and nodded her head slowly "but she so nice to me"

"She's nice to everyone" Ella replies "before you really get to know her"

"I should probably get going. I'm kinda thirsty" Hannah smiles

"Okay. Sorry I didn't mean to upset you. I hope you have a good night Hannah baker" Ella says to her and smiles before Hannah walks off in a different direction

"Why do the nice girls always hang out with the worst ones" Ella signed before walking off to find her boyfriend

Ella had a frown on her face as she looked around for Montgomery and she froze when her eyes landed on Montgomery and Courtney dancing together. Her legs felt like they were gonna collapse as she swayed her hips against Monty and his hands were on her hips. Tears began to pool in her eyes and she couldn't look away from them

"Hey Ellie belly what's wr..." Jeff says from behind her but then noticed what she was looking at

Zach was with him and they watched Montgomery in complete anger. How could he do something like this to someone like Ella

Zach began to storm over there while Jeff comforted her

"Hey Zach stop it's okay" she called out with tears now rolling down her face

"Hey man what the fuck" Zach yells as Courtney begins to whisper something in Montgomery's ear

Montgomery looked up towards the boy and then noticed his girlfriend in the back with tears down her face and Jeff pulling her into a hug while glaring at Monty

Montgomery instantly pulled away from Courtney "baby hey" he called out to her but she didn't hear him over the music and her loud sobs

"I'm just gonna go home" she says to Jeff

"I'll take you" he replies

"No it's okay I don't want to ruin your night. There's only one winter formal" she replies quickly

"You're in no state to drive come on let's get out of here" he said and she nodded her head and he began to lead her to his car

Montgomery tried to go after her but zachs large body blocked his way and he stood intimidatingly over Montgomery and pushed him back

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you" Zach growls

"Just let me get to my girl. She needs me" Montgomery replies and he was trying not to cry as he watched her wipe her tears and begin to walk off

"You should have thought about that before you were grinding up on Courtney crimsons ass" Zach yelled and was completely fed up with people treating the girl like shit. The girl that he would look after till the end of time.

"It want like that man. I was being an ass to her and asking her about the photo" Montgomery replies

"Really cause it looked like you were enjoying yourself" Zach yelled

"Fuck off dempsey" Montgomery yelled and tried to get passed him tonight

"I'm sick of you fucking hurting her. She comes running back to you every fucking time no matter what you do" Zach yelled angrily "it's bullshit what is it about you that's someone so fucking amazing sees but nobody else does"

"Stop being a jealous fuck Dempsey and let me go to MY girl" Montgomery yells and finally makes it passed Zach and he runs out into the car park as fast as he can and looks around for his girlfriend and he spotted her getting in the passenger seat off Jeff's car

He ran over as fast as he could and just before Jeff was about to leave Montgomery nocked on her window as she looked up at him sadly but wound down the window

"Ellie belly come on let's just go" Jeff sighs But she ignores him

"What do you want Montgomery" she says and doesn't look up at him

"Look at me baby" he whispers but she doesn't so he reaches through the window and gently grabs her face in his hand and turns it towards him "listen baby. What you saw in there it wasn't what it looked like okay"

"Really cause it looked like you were dancing with the person in the school that I really really don't like" Ella said angrily and upset at the same time "and you know that I don't like her. So what is it, am I not pretty enough to you. Am I annoying. Am I ..." Montgomery cuts her off

"Hey baby baby no. You're so fucking perfect okay. There is nothing wrong with you okay. I' don't deserve you. I'm such a fucking dick"

Montgomery begins to get angry and everyone knew that when Montgomery gets angry it doesn't turn out well

Montgomery pulled himself away from her and punched a metal pole And Ella quickly got out of the car and ran up to the boy

She wrapped her arms around him and he began to cry into her neck and she ran her fingers through his hair and shushed him quietly, telling him everything was going to be okay and that they were okay

"I'm such a fuck up. I ruin everything" he cries and grips her tightly

"No you're not okay" she mumbles "and you don't ruin everything okay"

"Let's go home baby" he mumbles and Ella nods her head and walks over to Jeff and he doesn't look into her eyes as she tries to defend Monty

"He cheated on you ella, how can you forgive him after that" he says to her and makes sure that Monty can't hear him

"Because I love him Jeff" she replied "I'm so so sorry for ruining your night"

"Hey you didn't ruin my might okay. You could never ruin my night" he replies and then puts on a fake smile and looks up at her "now go home with Monty. Okay"

She smiled and leaned down and placed a small kiss on his cheek "thanks Jeff"

She ran off to Monty and they went over to Montys Jeep to go home

Jeff looked over at them sadly "why couldn't you have chosen me?" He whispers to himself as he watched her grab Montgomery's hand

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang