Chapter 21

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Ella laughed as Montgomery pulls her down onto the couch that had other people on it and she was squished between Montgomery and Jeff

"Hey Jeff what's up" Ella said loudly so that he could hear her over the music

He looked down at what she was wearing and smiled "you look really beautiful tonight"

"Thanks Jeff. Sherry helped me pick it out" Ella smiles and ran her hands over her ripped black jeans that were topped off with a cropped band tee and dark blue converse

"Let's play suck and blow" Bryce called out loudly and put the card on his lips and held it there and then leaned towards the next person and she copied his actions

"Don't mess it up like usual Montgomery I hate losing this game" Ella says and smiles at him and then kisses his cheek

Jeff gets the card and then presses it against ellas lips and for him everything went in slow motion as he felt like nothing could go wrong. Then Ella pulled away and turned her head and passed the card onto Monty and the world speed up again for Jeff as he looked down with flushed cheeks

Jess and Justin come stumbling over

"Wait wait I wanna play. Scoot over clay" Jessica laughs and then her and Justin both sit on the couch and Jess starts talking to clay

"Hey you guys playing or what" Sherry laughs

"Yes" Justin laughs and sherry gets the card and then presses it against Justin's lips with her own and Justin goes to give it to Jessica but then they drop it and start making out

Ella led Montgomery to her bed and pulled her covers back and tucked him in and then sat at the end of the bed and moved the bottom of the blankets up so she could take off his shoes and then covers his feet back over

The car ride home was silent and nothing had changed about that. He just stared at her while she looked down at her hands while she fiddled with her fingers

"I'm sorry" he finally mumbled but she didn't look at him "look at me"

She didn't move and he sat up and came closer to her wrapped his arm around her but stopped when he notices her flinch

"I love you. You know that right" He says to her but when she didn't reply he started to get angry "look at me when I'm talking to you ella"

She slowly looked up at him and her watery blue eyes met his emerald eyes that were red due to the weed he had smoked. He was angry and both of them knew that

"I told you to stop monty. You were scaring me" she whispers quietly

"I didn't mean too!" He yelled and got out of bed and stood in front of her

"You didn't meant too? How did you not ducking mean too" she yelled and his eyes widened at her sudden confidence but he went back at it again anyway

"God stop being so fucking dramatic all of the damn time. I'm your fucking boyfriend" Montgomery yells

"Your hurting me" Ella fianaly says and Montgomery looks at her in confusion

"I'm not even fucking touching you" he says angrily and scoffs

"I don't mean physically Monty" she mumbles and then goes over to her closet and pulls out her liberty high cheer bag that she hardly ever used and then began chucking some clothes in there and Montgomery watched her with angry and sad tears streaming down his face

"What are you doing" he asks quickly

"I'm leaving Monty. I can't fucking do this anymore" she says and stuffs her hair brush and other accessories into her bag quickly and he ran up to her and held her arms

"Stop. No. Baby no just give me another chance okay baby I'm sorry give me another chance" Montgomery pleads

"I gave you your chance. I keep giving you chances and every single time you just use it to stab me in the back and hurt me a little more" she says angrily and snatches her arms out of his grasp

"But you promised you wouldn't go" he says angrily and grabs her again but a lot more tighter this time

"Monty stop your hurting me" Ella cries out

"No. Your hurting me. Your the one leaving, not me. You" Montgomery says angrily

"Stop listening to all of these assholes it's what's making you want to leave right. That fucking dead girl Fucking Hannah baker and those assholes Zach Dempsey and Justin Foley. Your friends all say I'm the dangerous one and that one day I'm gonna hurt you" Montgomery yells

"Your making me think that what they told me about you is right" Ella whispers but regrets it as soon as it came out of her mouth

"What the fuck did you just say to me? Is this how little you think of me? You know what. I don't need you anymore" he yells angrily and with that she left. She couldn't deal with it anymore, she couldn't force herself to look at the boy she loved in so much pain but she didn't want to be there anymore. She was scared, she didn't deserve him, she didn't deserve to be loved by him. She was a killer. She killed Hannah baker

Montgomery watched Ella leave from her window with angry tears falling down his cheeks. He fucked up big time and he was going to do whatever it took to get the girl back. He lived her more than anything and he was putting her through pain and he hated himself for that. Montgomery climbed out of the window quickly and walked to his car and drove off in the opposite direction from where Ella was running

Ella finally made it to the place she was looking for and she sat down under a tree. All of her friends would still be in school at the moment so all she could do was sit at the park with her bag tucked under her arm while she sat up in the rocket ship

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