Chapter 5

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"So? How is he doing?" Ella asks and leans her chin on the palm of her hand that was supported by the table in the library that she was sitting at

"It was good. Listen you just need to work on paragraph structure and you used the word 'unique' like seven times" Clay said as he looked over at Ella and jeff who were sitting next to each other on the other side of the table

Jeff looks confused as Clay tells him that he shouldn't have used the word so many times, Jeff had been proud of his use of vocabulary and he didn't see why he would need to change it 

"What clay is trying to say Jay is that if something is unique, then the other 6 things that you wrote about should be something else instead of just the word unique, its good vocab you just need to widen the vocabulary range that you are doing"

"whats wrong with Unique, if something is unique it means that it is different right?. so what I'm saying right now is that this type of literature is different than other kinds of literature . i mean it is, isn't it Ellie belly?" Jeff asks as he looks over at the girl next to him

Jeff notices that Clay is starring of somewhere so he turns his attention over to Clay and then notices that he is staring at Angie

"ah. you saw the list" Jeff said and Ella looked over at him in confusion 

"what list" Ella asks 

"some list the baseball team writes t say things about girls like who has the best butt, face, lips, boobs and who has the worst and things like that. You were actually voted for by a lot of guys for basically all of the things in the left-hand column like best butt, lips, face and boobs but Monty Lost his crap over that fact that they were looking so nobody wanted to risk putting your name down" Jeff states 

"Thats fucking disgusting, who the hell writes a list like that" Ella asks in annoyance as she thinks about the fact that boys compare girls and stare at them like hungry wolves and then rate them.

"Well you do have" Clay starts as he stares at Ellas lips and ella looks down at the table in embarrassment 

"Unique lips. Yeah" Jeff agrees and Ella looks up and punches jeff in the shoulder 

"Ow what the hell was that for" Jeff asks 

"for being an idiot" She says and rolls her eyes and stands up to get away from the boys but Jeff yells out to her 

"Wait Ellie Belly come back" Jeff calls out and Ella rolls her eyes but listens to him and sits back down anyways 

"Shh. Library" Skye says from behind them and they all turn to face the girl and Ellie gives the girl a soft nod 

"sorry" Ellie sighs 

"looking good clay" Skye says sarcastically 

"hey Skye. sorry" Clay says and then turn back towards jeff and jeff gets a look of realization on his face 

"Oh man. don't tell me you got a thing for twilight" Jeff says and holds the bridge of his nose and then looks over at clay 

"I don't i mean. No, we just used to be friends," Clay says 

"that's cool" Ella smiles 

"shes a pretty girl i mean, i don't know why she dresses like that" Jeff says and ella smiles at him

"Yeah, well she is unique" Ella contributes

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