Chapter 41

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"Good morning Miss Emblen" Dennis says as he begins the interview and Ella shuffled around nervously in her seat and looks up from her hands but she still fiddled with her fingers

"Good morning" Ella replies and sends Dennis a small nod and a smile

"My name is Dennis Vasquez representing Andrew and Olivia Baker and this is a deposition" Dennis says as he looks at the small girl "I'll be asking you some questions and you must answer all of them truthfully. Unless your atorney clearly instructs you otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir" she says quietly to him and looks him in the eyes while confirming it  "yes I understand"

"There is no judge present however this is a formal legal proceeding and you are under the same legal obligation to tell the truth. To tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth" Dennis says and Ella feels uncomfortable under Olivias firm eye. The woman had treated her like a daughter and she couldn't help but feel that the woman hated her "do you understand?"

Ella looks between Olivia and Dennis and then nods her head "yes sir I understand"

"Okay good thank you" Dennis says "could you please state your full name, your age, what school you go to, and what year you are currently in for us please for the record"

"My name is Ella Jean Emblen, I am seventeen and I'm a Junior at liberty high school" Ella says and looks at the camera for a second and then clears her throat and looks back over at Dennis who was ready to start asking her his first question

"Okay Ella. When and where did you first meet Hannah Baker?" Dennis asks her

"One of my good friends Kat invited me to a party that was at Hannah's house. I guess Hannah was having it so she could get to know people before school started. It was right before sophomore year and Kat introduced me to her and I don't know I guess we kind of clicked pretty easily" Ella mumbles as she looks back at Olivia who had a tired and sad look on her face

"And how well did you know hannah?" Dennis questions the girl and she looks back at him

"We were close. I considered her one of my best friends though it wasn't rare for us to have a few arguments but I loved her and I tried my best to make sure she was alright" Ella mumbles "I went over to her house a lot and we watched movies together down at the crestmont quite often"

"Were you aware of anyone bullying Hannah?" Dennis asks

"W-" Ella starts but is cut off by

"I'm sorry Dennis but we are going to have to reject that question" Ellas attorney says which causes the girl to look over at the man who gave her a small nod which she copied "that asks her to qualify behaviour"

"Well then did you ever hear anyone say any unkind things to Hannah" Dennis says, rewording his question.

Ella looks over at her attorney and he nods his head so she begins to answer the question "yes. Things were said about her. Liberty high is big on rumours. High school sucks and I heard lots of things said about her but I always defended her"

"What were your arguments usually about?" Dennis asks the girl

"Objection" Ellas attorney states

Ella sighed as she walked up to Justin

"What's up? What did you want to tell me about?" Ella asks and pulls him in for a hug and then pulls away And her small figure stood infront of his taller one

"I'm leaving" he says quickly and she was shocked.  She thought that she had to have miss heard him or that he was joking but the look in his face showed that he was being serious

"You're kidding right?" Ella says with hopefulness but he shakes his head

"I gotta get away from here Ellie. I need to start fresh" Justin tells the girl quietly

"What about me Justin? I need you. I can't loose you too" Ella says as tears begin to form in her eyes

"I'm sorry Ellie but I got to go" Justin tells her

"You're really leaving me?" She barely whispers out and she felt her heart breaking as she looked up at the boy who was broken just like her

"We grew you together and it's been hard for us. But you always told me that you can never trust anyone to stay" Justin tells the girl

Tears were running down her face "yeah? Well I thought you would be the exception. You're my brother"

"I'm leaving today" Justin says and looks away from the girl as he too started crying

"I-if you Le-leave me. I will never forgive you" she chokes out. She needed him and she though he needed her too but at this very moment it became very clear to her that he didn't need her he turned away from her and began to walk off. He didn't want the girl to see him break down and crying and he couldn't dare to see her like this anymore and the words that had left her lips cut him deeper than he thought ever possible

He turned back to her slightly "I'm so sorry jelly bean. I never wanted to hurt you. But I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry" then he turned around again and continued to walk and the girls knees went weak and she struggled to continue to keep herself standing up

"Go on then. Leave. Just leave like everyone else" she cries harshly her heart now completely shattered and he didn't say anything. He just left.

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