Ellas tape part 7

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"So Ella here's the part everyone has been waiting for. The reason your on these tapes is not because of the way you treated me over the last two years I was here but because of how you let me go so easily on my last night.

You were supposed to be my best friend. And you decided to talk about me behind my back. You broke my heart Ella. Your eyes held mystery's that even you couldn't explain  and your words cut deeper than you could ever have known. Deep enough to kill me.

It was the night before I decided to end it all. You came to me with the usual soft smile that you wear. You always smiled like you were about to cry. You lied to me, all the words coming out of your mouth were lies. I heard you Ella, I heard you talking about me and you just denied it. Deny. Deny. Deny. You played me like a game, but your playing my game now. You and all of your friends. Tell me Ella, will you stab them in the back just like you did me?  Do you really think they will still want to be your friend after they see who you have become, who you really are?

You hurt me the most Ella. You should have been there for me. You could have stopped it, all of you could have. But Ella you should have been the one to stop me and yet you were the one that was handing me the blades"

"Go away Ella" Hannah growls as she stands outside of her house with Ella in front of her

"Hannah please just let me explain" Ella says "you've got the story wrong alright"

"Really Ella? I heard you talking about me with Courtney okay. I didn't hear it through a rumour. I heard the words leave your lips" Hannah says angrily "I should have known you were just like everyone else"

"Come on Hannah you don't mean that" Ella says "please just let me explain myself"

"There's nothing to explain Ella just leave" Hannah says angrily

"But Hannah. It wasn't what it looked like okay. Hannah... Courtney was blackmailing m-" Ella starts but is cut off by Hannah

"Aww, Courtney was blackmailing you. And what does she have against little miss goodie two shoes huh, did you get too high or drunk, did you finally cheat on that asshole Montgomery" Hannah laughs sarcastically Which makes Ella angry

"He's not an asshole Hannah and no I didn't cheat on him. And it's none of your fucking business what she has against me. And just for your fucking information I didn't let her get away with it I told her that I didn't care if she told everyone because I wasn't going to let her hurt you" Ella says and Hannah scoffs

"That's bullshit. And besides you are the one that hurt me not her. She hurt me ages ago sure. But you hurt me more by not sticking up for me" Hannah says angrily

"I did stick up for you. I always stick up for you" Ella says angrily "not everything is about you. I keep putting myself before everyone else and it's killing me. And to be honest I'm fine with that. I would happily die for my friends but when they don't believe me... it really pisses me off" Ella says "I hate it when people accuse me of things I didn't do"

"Just because I didn't inform you that I was helping you doesn't mean that I wasn't doing so" Ella continues "I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through and I don't think you ever will. I know your life is shit Hannah but I'm trying to help you here okay. But my life is shit too"

"Aww what you can't get daddy's attention so you wanna go cry about it. Boo fucking who. At least everyone in school doesn't hate you" Hannah says angrily

"That's not fair Hannah" Ella says quietly

"God your such a bitch Ella. Besides who would believe me over you?" Hannah mocks

"Hey Hannah you won an award" Ella says with no expression on her face anymore. Everything was just cold

"Oh yeah what for" Hannah asks sarcastically with anger in her tone

"For being literally the most annoying person on this whole fucking planet" Ella grins but her eyes were dark and There was no humour in them whatsoever

"I needed you and you weren't there" Hannah says angrily

"Hey shit happens Hannah but the sun comes up and life goes on. Where were you when Jeff died huh. You wouldn't talk to me" Ella says angrily "and what's your excuse Hannah"

"Go back to your abusive boyfriend and pick up some more of his how to be a dick steps because I can see you enjoy using them" Hannah says

"Jesus Hannah why do you always have to bring him into this" Ella growls

"Because I can't understand why you would choose him over me" Hannah says and pulls at her hair and Ella looks at her in confusion

"Hannah what are you talki-" Ella starts but is cut off by Hannah

"No I'm not a fucking lesbian but your meant to be my best friend. Sisters before misters you said you loved me as well. How can you love me and love someone like him" Hannah asks angrily

"Hannah I love you as a friend" Ella says

"Stop loving him. Zach chose you over me. Stop loving Montgomery" Hannah says

"I can't" Ella says "when you love someone you don't just stop loving them. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy... even then. Especially then! I love him Hannah and if you were really my best friend you would support me"

"It's because I'm your best friend that I'm saying you shouldn't love him. All he does is hurt you" Hannah says

"Hannah just mind your own fucking business" Ella groans "I'm sick of this shit"

"You have to choose" Hannah says and crosses her arms

"What. Hannah you can't be serious" Ella laughs

"Him or me" Hannah says and Ellas draw drops to the ground and doesn't say anything "him or me Ella"


"I never want to see you again" Hannah says angrily and Ella scoffs and rolls her eyes

"Whatever Hannah" Ella says but it was obvious she was sad "don't talk to me anymore"

"He wouldn't make me choose" Ella says "you shouldn't have made me choose"

"I wish I never met you" Hannah says angrily

"I wish I never met you. You fucked everything up for me. I hate you" Ella cries and then storms of

Ella didn't mean the words that had left her mouth and neither did Hannah. If only they could take back what they said

"Well Ella. I guess this is the end of your tape. I was going to put you a lot further along the list but I thought it would be pretty ironic to put you before whoever the next person is. I wish I could see your face as you give it to her and I wish I could see hers when she realises that you know what she did.

I wonder if you will forgive her, after all you seem to forgive everyone else every time"

Why him? - Montgomery De La CruzOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora