Chapter 16| Icky Sticky

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There were sticky spots on EJ's sheets. His own blood. A bunch of medical supplies were sprawled on the covers. The killer held a bottle of antiseptic. It was unscrewed and open.

He poured the medicine on his open wound. It felt like fire. He could hear the sizzling. His breath went off a hitch. He snarled and quickly stuck a sharp needle into his swollen flesh. More pain. It took him a moment to shove his composure back. He slowly began to stitch the ripped flesh, his other hand lifting up his shirt. Warm blood trailed down his stomach into his pants. He shifted his position, the bed beneath him creaking.

"Eyeless Jack?" a deep voice called.

"Slender?" he murmured, trying to hide his agony.

He felt the floorboards simultaneously shift. A pair of Cap Toe Oxford's had barely made a sound. There was sudden creak. The Operator was holding his foot in one space. His upper body was leaning forward to take a closer look.

"What on earth-"

He said.

"Who did this?"


Jack replied and sighed so deeply he felt his ribs crack.

"It was Jeff."


Toby's POV

Toby leaned against the tank. He twitched from time to time causing his elbow to bump on the glass. The mermaid looked ready to faint.


He smirked.

Clockwork was still working on her wheelchair. Her clock eye said it was 3 in the morning. Toby tried to conceal a yawn. The lights in the room began to flicker.


The door opened and the operator stormed in.


"Y-yes s-s-sir?"

"There has been a change in plans. You Masky and Hoodie will retrieve Jeffery Woods and Ben Drowned. And Clockwork you will take care of the Mermaid and Eyeless Jack."

He fixed his tie with a yank.


"Yes," Toby and Clockwork said in unison.


W h y   d i d  y o u   s t a b   h i m ?

"-because I felt like it."

I d i o t .

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