When He Asks You Out

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(I wheezed)

Light Yagami
After school on that Friday, you and Light went to the nearest diner, which was the best place to grab a bite at recently. It was his offering, and he wanted to discuss something with you. Of course, you were a bit nervous, but you tried not to show it as much. "Ooh, nice place," Ryuk mumbled. "You're finally going to ask her out, huh? If she says no, make her pay for her meal. Hahaha." After being seated in a booth nearest to the window, you and Light began to look over the menu. Although, you glanced up only to see him intensely staring at you. "Light?" you mumbled. "Are you okay? You've been off all day." "You're creeping her out." Light hummed and glanced away, then nodded slowly. He took in a deep breath, then reached for your hand. "Bold move," Ryuk said. Once he held both of yours into him, you blushed deeply and keep a rather unsure expression. "I'm sorry for being awkward," Light whispered. "I just have feelings for you that I can't even explain." During the pause, the both of you were starting to become flustered, but you were starting to smile a bit and feel at ease. "It's understandable if you say no. But I was wondering if you'd like to, well, be my girlfriend," Light smiled. When your eyes met him again, you grinned more and even nodded. "I'd love to." After hearing that response, Light has a surprised expression, but he felt himself relax and smile a bit too. "Ask her for more apples," Ryuk added.

L Lawliet
"L!" you cheered. "Let me guess, the usual?" Today was a busy day at the café. You were serving customers left and right, but you felt your stress melt away when you have seen a familiar face. "Actually, no. I have a date coming. I'll have a coffee for right now." After bringing L his coffee, you attended to the other guest. You took empty dishes, refilled cups, brought over desserts, and did as you usually did on a busy Tuesday. Twenty minutes later, you approached L and refilled his beverage once more. "Still waiting?" you asked. "What would be your favorite thing to eat here?" You laughed as scribbled down what you liked. "The honey toast." "Two plates of honey toast." You did so. You brought over his order and set a plate on each side of the table, and you even brought a cup of warm tea over for his guest. "Well, my shift is over. I hope your date goes well L," you smiled. After you hung up your apron and grabbed your purse, L stood up from his stool. "About time, I've been waiting," he mumbled. You checked behind you to see if someone was there, but no one was. "Did I not ask you? Where are my manners, would you like to go out with me?" Honestly, you were beyond flattered and a bit shocked that L had all of this planned. Although, you smiled and accepted his offer once you sat across from him. "You are a mystery," you teased. L shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee. "I try to be."

Mihael Keehl
When seeing your phone ringing, you immediately smiled and answered it, because Mihael was the one calling you. To be honest, you were a bit surprised that he was calling you. He hardly ever does, and text you here and there. He's more of a face to face type of person. Although, lately he's been busy with plans only he knew of. "Mihael? Hey, what's up?" you asked. "I don't have time for chit-chat. Answer a question for me," Mello said. Now you weren't too fond of him calling you. However, you were going to do what he asked. "Sure?" you said slowly. "These past few weeks I've spent more time with you than I have with anyone. I'm not one for hangouts. I have my things to deal with, but you are on my mind quite a lot." As you listened, you started to become flustered. You even stopped pacing around your apartment and felt your anxiety decrease. "The point I'm trying to make is that I want to own you. As in you be mine and only mine." There was a long pause on his end, and you had no idea what to say to what he said. You knew where he was getting at, but you wanted him to ask you straightforward. "Mihael?" you mumbled. "The question is, will you be mine? It's a simple yes or no. Your answer will change how we are." You already knew your answer, but you wanted him to feel the suspense. You then grinned and scoffed out of relief that he took had feelings for you. "Of course," you said. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." "Be ready by eight."

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